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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Self Protection

The time has come, I believe, to think about what we are going to do when the riots begin and the gangs start running wild. How do I know that is going to happen? I do not "KNOW" it is going to happen, but after following the news and watching things that are going on in this country, it is my best guess that it will happen. When you look at the rioting that took place in Wisconsin after Governor Scott Walker tried and succeeded getting the state budget under control, you will get some idea of what could happen. These things are taking place on a lesser or greater scale all around the country. This is exactly what happens when a country that is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic begins to be governed as a democracy. Democracy is just one short step from anarchism. That is where America is right now. We have a pretendsident that governs like a dictator and unions and groups like Acorn that hold protests every time they do not get every thing they want. I believe that between now and the 2012 election there will be more and more of these protests and riots and that leading up to the election it will become deadly. The unions, the community organizers and a certain group of the blacks will not stand by and let someone beat B. Hussein O. without trying their best to intimidate every voter in the country. Will it work? I do not really know, but it might. I also believe that the whole thing could break out into civil war. We need to be prepared.

There is also the things that are going on in the mid-east. All of the riots and people trying to topple the governments. Our pretendsident and all of his allies seem to think this is wonderful. Do you think they will see it any different here in this country? Rioting, maiming and killing have gotten to be just another method to get the political conclusion the mob wants. That is what is wrong with a democracy and that is why the founding fathers of America made this a Constitutional Republic.

It is time right now to decide where you want to be when the ship hits the sand. And wherever that might be you need to have a plan to protect yourself and your family. You need to have a food supply on hand to last at least three months and hopefully two years. Most importantly, you need to be willing and able to defend yourself and your loved ones. You need to have the weapons on hand and be willing to use them. You need to be willing and able to leave your home and hit the wilderness if need be. It may come to the point that you cannot defend against the number of rioters that descend on you.

Now is the time to get all of your weapons in good order and practice with them. It is also the time to get out in the woods and hunt and fish and make sure you know how to handle yourself. Learn how to do without all of the modern conveniences that we now have. I have a complete line of tools to replace all of my power tools. That is just in case we lose our power and still need to do things. Number one thing if you are going to remain where you are, make sure it is defensible. You do not want gangs coming on your property stealing you blind. Make sure you can protect your home and your property. Have a good talk with yourself and make sure that if push comes to shove, you could shoot.

So here is a quick rundown on what to do now. Make sure of your food, make sure your weapons are cleaned and ready and that you are comfortable using them, know how to obtain food from the wild if need be, learn how to do without some of the things you now depend on. It would not take much to shut down the power grid in this country. It would not take much to take out cell phone usage. It would not take much to shut down most of the transportation in this country. You need to be ready for all of that. Maybe nothing will happen but I feel something will.

For years, we in America have looked at other countries and their riots as something that happened only in dictatorships. Well, at the moment America is being run on presidential orders and the congress is not stopping it. That is just about the same as a dictatorship, so I believe it is our turn to have some of those riots that other countries have. I am going to be ready and I hope that all of you take heed and get ready also. I have written about many of the things that need to be done. You might want to go into the archives of this blog and re-read some of these items. I will try to add more to this in two weeks. Until then check out my political blog and my web store. I currently have silver coins for sale that are close to what silver bullion is selling for.

Self Protection

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Be careful

I have just posted an article on my political blog explaining what the FBI is currently doing. They are sending flyer's around to all surplus stores telling the owners to turn anyone purchasing: excess ammo, waterproof ammo cans, MRE's, waterproof matches and other standard survival items. Many of these items are the very items that another government agency is telling us to keep on hand in case of a natural disaster. I believe it is a way for the government to entrap innocent survivalists; first suggest you purchase the items and then consider you a terrorist when you do. They cannot profile real terrorist possibilities because of political correctness so they come after the average patriotic survivalist.

This is going to be a very short entry tonight. I just wanted to let everyone know about the latest government big brother scam. I would also like you to make your purchases as innocuous as possible. Purchase your ammo in small quantities at different stores. Do the same with all of your other survival items. Also, I am going to do even more of making my own survival equipment and dehydrating my own food. I will also purchase food that can be vacuum packed here at home and use that in place of any MRE's. I would advise anyone that can do so to do all they can for themselves and keep gun and surplus store trips to a minimum.

Actually I do not believe that surplus store owners will turn in survivalists because they are usually survivalists themselves. Many of the are veterans and patriots and would not think of turning a patriot in.

There is one thing on the list that I did not mention that is comical. That is the purchase of "night" flashlights. I kid you not that is exactly what they list them as. Does that mean it is all right to purchase day flashlights? That is all for this week, just wanted you to know what is going on and make you able to watch out for yourselves. Until next week check out my political blog and my store. I currently have silver coins in my store at just over bullion prices.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Depression II

Tonight's blog will be a short version due to the fact that there is still so much upheaval in the financial world. Also I also did a blog entry on my Fasciunism blog relating to Agenda 21. You may want to read that one too as I believe that is much of what is causing our problems.

As you may or may not know, the credit rating of the United States of America has been downgraded from AAA to AA+. This is a serious problem as it means that this country is not considered as credit worthy as it was a week ago. Another problem is that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are also about to be downgraded. This will throw, not only this country but the entire financial world into chaos. The problem is still that the politicians in this country do not know how to stop borrowing and spending. I will say it right now, anyone that voted for the debt ceiling raise, demlican or republicrat, should be voted out of office.

The one main thing I can say right now to those of you who have credit card debt, pay it off quick. The interest rates are going to go up and go up steeply. Our country is about to have a depression that will make the depression of 1929 look like a time of great prosperity. It will also mean riots and looting and burning. People will not put up with what they did in the 30s. The people in this country are too used to having everything given to them. Heck, in Pennsylvania people on welfare are given cell phones and 250 minutes a month. This is considered a civil right in that state. Imagine when the government cannot even give them food.

As I have stated many times gold and silver coins will be valuable. But even more valuable than that will be ammo. .22 caliber, 308, 30-06 and other common cartridges will be better than gold. Shotgun shells are another thing that will be valuable, especially 12 gauge. .357 pistol ammo is another one. Also .223 or the NATO equivalent 5.56mm will also be great as well as 7.62mm.

those are the main things that I want to get across this week. It is time to batten down the hatches and get ready for a long hard dry spell. If you have been following my blog and preparing as I have suggested, you will have a good chance of coming through it with not too much loss.

That is going to be all for this week. Look for another blog here next week as I am going to try to do both blogs every week again. Until then God Bless and good luck. Check out my other blog at:

And check out the silver and survival books and mags at my store at: