Be careful
I have just posted an article on my political blog explaining what the FBI is currently doing. They are sending flyer's around to all surplus stores telling the owners to turn anyone purchasing: excess ammo, waterproof ammo cans, MRE's, waterproof matches and other standard survival items. Many of these items are the very items that another government agency is telling us to keep on hand in case of a natural disaster. I believe it is a way for the government to entrap innocent survivalists; first suggest you purchase the items and then consider you a terrorist when you do. They cannot profile real terrorist possibilities because of political correctness so they come after the average patriotic survivalist.
This is going to be a very short entry tonight. I just wanted to let everyone know about the latest government big brother scam. I would also like you to make your purchases as innocuous as possible. Purchase your ammo in small quantities at different stores. Do the same with all of your other survival items. Also, I am going to do even more of making my own survival equipment and dehydrating my own food. I will also purchase food that can be vacuum packed here at home and use that in place of any MRE's. I would advise anyone that can do so to do all they can for themselves and keep gun and surplus store trips to a minimum.
Actually I do not believe that surplus store owners will turn in survivalists because they are usually survivalists themselves. Many of the are veterans and patriots and would not think of turning a patriot in.
There is one thing on the list that I did not mention that is comical. That is the purchase of "night" flashlights. I kid you not that is exactly what they list them as. Does that mean it is all right to purchase day flashlights? That is all for this week, just wanted you to know what is going on and make you able to watch out for yourselves. Until next week check out my political blog and my store. I currently have silver coins in my store at just over bullion prices.
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