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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Getting Ready

It has been almost exactly one year since my last entry in this blog. I was not sure that I was going to continue writing it. However, with this country going the way it is going, I feel I have to come back and at least try to help some get ready for what I see coming. I am getting a very bad feeling about the direction this country is headed. With all of the scandals going on in our country's capitol and all of the cover up taking place I see things getting worse. With a narcissist in the oval office that is trying his best to change this country into a socialist utopia, we have no idea what he might do. However, with all of the things I see happening, both out in the open and partially hidden, I believe that we could be on the verge of a civil war. Another possibility is that things will get so bad that martial law will be implemented and in that case we would all be in plenty of trouble. It is with these possibilities that I restart this blog. Hopefully I will be restarting my political blog either this week or next week also. There are many entries in the archives of this and my other blog that are still pertinent. You may want to browse through them and pick subjects that you would like to know more about. However, I will be covering much of the same topics as in the past and in many cases with a slightly different take on things as times keep changing and we need to change with them. Please leave any comments that you deem appropriate. 

this week I am going a few things that I think are important to being ready. After this weeks tornado in Oklahoma I would like to suggest that everyone that can have an underground shelter. While I had one at my last residence, I have been lax about getting another one where I currently live. I hope to rectify that this summer. This shelter can serve a dual purpose. You can use it for storage of many of your survival supplies and it will be there when you need it. For those of you who live in cities where it would be impossible to build an underground shelter, learn where the closest one is. There are many methods of building these shelters and I may get into plans and building instructions as I build my own. If you live in a city and have a vacation place or retreat, build your shelter there. 

Again, I will say that food and water are the most important survival items that you can have. If you have not started to lay in a food supply there is no better time to begin than now. For those that just starting to lay in a food supply start with a three day supply, increase it to fifteen days, then to three months, next to one year and finally to the ideal I suggest which is two years. I will be covering this much more in the future but do not get suckered into having nothing but MREs or other freeze dried meals. I will get it to it more when I do a blog or two on food. Also on food, if you live where you can raise a garden, do so. A garden can extend your food supply by adding to it every year.

The next thing to make sure you have is firearms and ammo. You may for hunting and for self-preservation . Do not worry if you do not have a Bushmaster or and AK47  or AR15. While these are excellent weapons and if you can afford one and can practice with it enough to become proficient with it, by all means you should have one. However, if you already have firearms, bolt, pump, single or lever action, and cannot afford   one of the above do not worry about it. the important thing with any weapon is to be proficient with it and know how to care for it, including minor repairs. The second thing is to have enough ammo for the weapons you have. In the coming weeks I will be doing articles on firearms and will cover ammo. Many people severely underestimate the amount of ammo that they may need. 

The last thing I am going to mention today is the need for first aid and medical supplies. There is no telling on when or even if you could get to a doctor in an emergency. In the case of martial law you may not even be allowed to go to see a doctor. There are many things that you can do for yourself if you have the right equipment and the know-how. Again, I will be covering this much more in future blogs. I will be covering nature's many healing medicines, vitamins and supplements that can be used to replace prescription drugs, and many more interesting topics. 

I hope this is giving some of you something to think about and will help you in the near future. I am looking forward to getting back to writing this blog with fair regularity and look forward to some of you becoming followers and leaving comments for me. Hope to be back next week. 


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