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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Who are the Haters?

Nowadays you hear a lot about hate and hate speech. We now have hate crimes and people think that they can tell what someone was thinking when they committed a crime. Orwell's book 1984 is coming true right before our eyes. This new definition of hate is what the fasciunists are using to bring down the good patriotic people in this country. If you disagree with any policy of B. Hussein O. it is racist and considered hate speech. If you point out that Muslims cause most of the terrorist attacks in the world, it is hate speech. There are so many things that are now considered hate speech that many people are afraid to give an opinion about almost anything.

When you take a real close look at it, it is not what is said, it who said it. Why is it that when people take issue with B. Hussein O. they are racists but when people attack Herman Cain, that is free speech and not racist? Both of those men are black, but one of them gets special protections against people not liking him. Why is it that when Maxine Waters says "The Tea Party can go straight to hell" is that not hate speech? Why is it when James Hoffa says "Let's take the son-of-b-----s out", meaning to kill the members of the tea party, is that not hate speech? I could go on with many more examples, but I think you get the picture. There is a definite double standard taking over in this country.

We are constantly being asked to be politically correct. However, it only goes one way. I wrote last time about the difference between the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) demonstrators. With the Tea Party it was if one little letter was out of place of if some liberal infiltrated the group with a sign, the Tea Party was a bunch of racist, hate mongers and were pilloried in the press for days at a time for one incident. The OWS demonstrators have hate signs and show their hatred in many other ways and the MSM (Malfeasant-Smug-Press) does not even cover the story. Just a bit of one sidedness I would say.

I remember well when there were signs carried with pictures of George W. Shrub with a Hitler mustache and there were no comments about it. There were also no comments by the MSM here in Wisconsin when there were signs with Governor Walker with a Hitler mustache during the demonstrations against his balancing the Wisconsin budget. In fact, it appeared that most of the press agreed with the demonstrators. There were many threats to the governor and to many of the state legislators, including death threats. However, reading or listening to the MSM, one would never know it. All of these things were swept under the rug as free speech.

Now, I am neither a demlican or a republicrat because most in both parties are nothing but shills for bigger government. However, when I see how democrats, liberals, progressives, socialists, communists, fascists and fasciunists (what a bunch of redundancy) doing things one way and not having to answer for it, it ticks me off. I was no fan of G. W. Shrub, but if drawing a Hitler mustache on him was okay according to the MSM, why is it hateful to draw one on B. Hussein O.?

Orwells 1984 was right on target when it came to the changing of the meaning of words. There are words that cannot be used today without being looked at as a bigot or a hater. Yet Joe Biden can get away with saying anything as can Nancy Pelosi and all the rest of the Demlicans. However, conservative and patriotic people are not allowed to voice their opinions without being accused of hate speech. Now the Muslims are trying to make it illegal to say anything that they believe is derogatory about Muslims. All they have to do is to claim it is derogatory, even if in reality it is not and you would be arrested. With a pretendsident that is either a Muslim or a Muslim sympathizer I have no doubt that it could happen. If he cannot get it through congress he will just sign another presidential order making it illegal to say these thing or you will be accused of a hate crime. That hate crime would be denigrating the Muslim religion. Even though we all know that most terrorist plots around the entire globe are perpetrated by Muslims.

This country is going amok. The MSM and the progressives are taking us into a world that we do not want. They are stripping us of our liberties and constitutional guarantees. Schools, especially colleges have strict speech codes that are undoubtedly unconstitutional and now the illegal government and the MSM are trying their best to make this kind of a speech code the law of the land.

If you want to know where the hate is, it is in the government especially the liberals and progressives and the press. They are the ones that truly hate. If they did not hate, why would they want to shut everyone that disagrees with them down? You can see the hatred emanating from every one of them from our pretendsident to the progressives in congeress, to the unions to the MSM. The unions are some of the worst haters in this country. They have always hated anyone that was not on their side. Now they own the person in the Whitehouse and can get away with going public with their hatred. It is time to stop them. How? I am not really sure but it is my hope that it can be done non-violently. However, if it is not done soon in a non-violent fashion, I do not like to think of what it would take later.