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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

A Review

I know that last time I said that I would be doing a lunch MRE menu this time, but there is something that I thought was more important. I think it is time for each and every one of us to check our readiness. We all need to review where we stand as far as readiness goes. For instance, my food supply is now lower than I prefer it to be. The reason is that we are eating up some of the older supplies to rotate the stock and due to some financial difficulty, have not replaced all of it yet. One of the reasons that I am concerned about readiness right now is that I expect something to happen in 2012. No, I do not mean the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar. If that happened it would not matter what we had stored up. I am speaking about some political disaster taking place. Think about rioting, civil war, martial law and those type of things. With the election coming up and our first black resident of the White House up for re-election it is hard telling what will take place.

First look at your location. Are where you will most likely be out of harms way? If not, do you have a place to go? Do you have enough supplies at your getaway to keep you going long term. Do you have at least a year's food on hand and where you will be? Is your place, either where you are now if you are staying or, your getaway defensible? Are you ready to defend it at all cost, including shooting to kill if necessary? Are you able to hunt, fish and trap to obtain food if that becomes a necessity? Do you have a good supply of guns and ammo to take care of all eventualities? That means for hunting, self-defense and anything else that should come up, such as defending your area from wild-dog packs, etc. Do you have a complete medical kit and do you know how to handle medical emergencies? Do you understand some about the healing power of natural plants that grow in your area?

One of the things that not too many survivalists think about is the fact that they may have to take to the woods for a week or two. This is true even if they have what they consider a safe home or a safe getaway spot. Your spot may become hot for some unknown reason and you just need to leave for a short time for it to cool off. I keep a backpack packed with a two week supply of necessities. All I need to do is to grab it and go and I am good for a long time in the woods. The two week supply of food can be supplemented with hunting and fishing. My next entry will give both the homemade MREs for lunch and dinner. After that I will do at least one entry on what I believe should be in that two week pack. I will pretty much go by what I have in mine.

There are many other things that I could ask. Do you have a good supply of ammo? Are you well practiced with all of your weapons so that you will not need to hesitate? You should be so familiar with all of your weapons that the become part of you when needed. Do you know enough woods lore to survive if need be? Can you trap or snare animals and birds for food if needed?

There are many things to think of when thinking about survival. I could go on and as twice as many questions and give twice as many suggestions, but this should get you thinking. Step back and take a look at your complete survival plan. Does it need tweaking any place? Can it be improved? You want to improve your plan until you KNOW that you could survive in any given situation. Then, and only then are you ready. So take a look at where you are and I will be back soon with more information. Until then check out my political blog and my store.


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