Lock and Load
I think the time has come to be ready for anything and by that I mean even self-defense from roving mobs. With the anarchists, socialists, communists, fascists and fasciunists occupying Wall Street and many other spots around the country, I believe that it is time to start thinking about having to defend ourselves. Regardless of what our pretendsident says, these hooligans are not anything like the Tea Party. These are mostly people that hate America and anyone that has done better than they have and have more than they do. Everything they have was given to them by their parents and now they want more from the taxpayers. They seem think that the taxpayers owe them a living and a really good living at that. I currently receive Social Security (which I paid for) write for a newspaper and have an on line store and I cannot afford the gadgets that these scum are using. Ipads, Iphones, laptops, and every other electronic gadget that one could want. they have all of this and complain that they are disadvantaged. Just because someone makes a million dollars, as long as they make it legally they must deserve it. The scum want their share of the million without doing a thing to earn it. As you may have noticed there has been more and more violence every day. I am afraid that soon it may erupt into a kind of civil war. As I always say, I hope I am wrong about this but would rather be ready and be wrong than to not be ready and be right.
Here is a list or the armament and the ammo that I feel that every survivalist should have on hand. First of all you need a shotgun. This will be for close range protection. To me what action you choose is unimportant. The important thing is that you are comfortable with it. If for some reason you are only comfortable with a single shot, so be it. Whatever you have is better than not having anything. My personal suggestion would be a slide action (pump) as they are about the fastest cycling shotgun there is. I personally prefer a blot action myself but they are a little hard to come by and unless you already have one you would probably be better off with a slide action or a semi-auto. There is nothing wrong with a double barrel either. A 12 gauge is about the best you can do for a shotgun. However if smaller people are going to use the gun then a 20 gauge may be the best bet. It is all a matter of what you can handle. As for ammo for the shotgun, my recommendation is to have at least 500 rounds. My breakdown of shot sizes would be something like this: 200 00 buckshot, 100 #4 bird shot, 100 # 6 bird shot, 50 # 7 1/2 bird shot and 50 rifled slugs. that should cover just about anything that you need to take care of.
Next I would opt for a .22 caliber rifle. Here a bolt action or semi-auto are my choices. Again, I really do not think that the action is as important as the ability to use what you have and be safe and comfortable with it. Here there is only one type of ammo to have and the is the Long Rifle ammo. 1,000 rounds is the minimum I recommend for .22 ammo, with 2,000 being optimal. However many you decide on make it half hollow points and half solid lead.
Now we get into the high power rifles. Here is where I depart from most survival writers in that I do not recommend any particular weapon. You can have anything from a lever action 30-30, a bolt action 30-06 or .270 or you could have a .243 or .308 semi-auto. To me this does not make any difference. What makes a difference to me is that you are comfortable with your weapon and are able to hit what you aim at. For this weapon I suggest between 500 and 1,000 rounds of ammo. You may want to have a couple of different bullet weights but if you do remember to practice with both so that you are aware of where they are going to hit.
Handguns are another thing that you may or may not want. They serve as an excellent short range weapon and I personally recommend them. If you are a revolver lover, as I am, you will want to get a .357 or .44 magnum. You may also want to have a .22 revolver to use as a practice gun and for hunting small game. If you are a semi-auto handgun lover, my suggestion would be get a 1911 .45. If you have the money you may want to get a Desert Eagle in .44 mag or .50 caliber. I do not believe in .40 caliber and 9mm's as they do not have the knockdown power. If you want one because of the ammo capacity I guess they are all right but I want something with knockdown power. You may want one as a backup but I prefer a .380 or even a .25 caliber. Here again, with the semi-auto you may want to get a .22 to practice with. As far as ammo for your handgun, I feel that you will need at least 500 rounds.
That should take care of your armament and ammo supply for any emergency. I have only three other things to say about firearms, practice, practice, PRACTICE. Always be ready and hope the time never comes that you have to use the knowledge and skill you posses.
Until next time, check out my other blog and my store:
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