Agenda 21 (6)
I do not know how long tonight's blog will be. I am going to cover the North American Union and the Trans-Texas Corridor and a little about what you can do about what is happening. I am still studying more about Agenda 21 so I may have more blogs on the subject. However, this will be the last one in this series.
To meet the global objectives for equalization of economies, the Sustainable Development system requires all global trade to be managed by the World Trade organization. The first thing they need to do is to bring down the American standard of living to equal with the rest of the world and bring American production down with it. They could never think about bringing the rest of the world up to our standards, they need to tear us down.
The Trans-Texas Corridor is a great part of that plan. This corridor is part of the creation of the North American Union. This will supposedly equalize the economic condition of Mexico, Canada and the United States. It intends to do this by bringing The United States and Canada down to the level of Mexico. This corridor will have trade routs, utility lines, inland ports and even toll roads. Various multi-national corporations will develop and manage and own these systems as a "public private partnership". In other words we are going into fascism. This is why I consider it fasciunism, because as soon as the fascism takes total control, we will be folded into a one world communist government. This would come about by the eventual merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States, which by design would lead to regional government and giving up unalienable rights and national sovereignty. This would soon give way to the one world government that all of the closet communists want. One of the things that started this was the Kelo v City of New London Supreme Court case. That decision neutralized the public use requirements of the Fifth Amendment. Now they can take land from people to build the corridor and there is no legal way to stop them.
What can we do to stop what is going on? First check out what your youngsters are being taught in school. In many schools they are being taught Sustainable Development by developing in them collectivist attitudes, values and beliefs. Sustainable Development calls for the abolishment of private property and that is also being taught in schools. Much of what is being done in the real estate market and the rest of the economy is to make sure that our children and grandchildren will never be able to afford to own property. We may be looking at the last generation to own our own homes. This is becoming a battle between Liberty and Freedom against Tyranny and dictatorship. We all need to get involved in stopping this or it will not get stopped. Here are a few thing that you can do.
Check and see if there is a trend in your area to replace present political boundaries with regional governance. There is no way to hold politicians accountable in a regional governance situation.
Make sure that your area does not take state or federal money for new Sustainable Development programs. This is not in tune with the American system of federalism. Withdraw from any established Sustainable Development programs that you may already be in.
Never allow your community to get into partnerships with the federal government, NGOs, Foundations or corporations if they support Sustainable Development. Do not allow your community to be surrendered to Sustainable Development interests and monied interests.
Make sure you understand the role of public officials in your community and make sure they administer government in a manner that protects your liberty and justice.
Get to know and fully understand the Constitution of the great country. Elected officials are sworn by oath to defend it. Check out Article 1, Section 8 and also the 9th and 10th Amendments. Also check out the 14th Amendment, which limits the states' police power.
And finally, if the ICLEI is in your town: KICK THEM OUT.
That is it for this week and as I stated in the beginning, I may make more entries on the subject as I learn more about it. Until next week check out my store and my political blog.
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