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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

It Is Coming

Since my last entry a week ago, things have not gotten any better. Our president and our congress are doing their best to turn the USA into the UCSA; The United Communist States of America. I am going to get off of the subject of wilderness survival and go into my ideas of safely hiding things. Much of what I will be writing for the next several weeks will be taken from my book "Stash It". The reason I am going in this direction is that I believe this is the time to stock up on food, silver, ammo, etc. However, having said that, I have to believe that when push comes to shove, our government will call a state of emergency and will attempt to confiscate anything we have stored. They will call it hoarding and by executive order make hoarding illegal. There is also the possibility that people that do not know how to survive will be around looking to steal what you have. So, I will be spending a number of weeks on safely hiding what you will need to survive.

Storing and securing survival gear. Much of a survivalist's gear is valuable, plus, most of us have many other things around the place that we consider valuable. I spent most of the eighties living in and near Chicago. Living fairly close to gangs, scum and other criminal types got me started thinking seriously about the security of my possessions. I started doing things to secrete anything that I felt was valuable enough to be tempting to the low life element. I also wanted to secrete many things from any government types that decided that confiscation was on their mind. At the time I was also doing some photography work for other people. I was taking pictures of their valuables for insurance purposes. I helped several of these people to set up storage for some of their valuables. Now I decided I needed to hide much of my own belongings such as; cameras, guns, survival food, ammo, etc. No storage system is totally one hundred percent foolproof. The best we can do is to make our equipment as difficult to find and as difficult to abscond with as possible. This is what I am going to try to do in this blog, give you the ideas that can save your belongings. 

There is no way for me to know any other person's reason for wanting to store things in hidden locations. You may not want your neighbors to know what you own, you might have a very real fear of being robbed by some of the scum that roams the streets in today's world. You may even have a fear of the government agents coming snooping. The constitution of this great country guarantees each of us the right to privacy. I do not believe that any government agency, be it the BATFE, IRS or any of the other alphabet agencies has the right to snoop in my personal belongings. As long as the items are constitutionally legal and I came by the legally, it is no one else's business what I own or where or how I store it. The way the constitution is being ignored today, I no longer trust anyone. Some people call this paranoid, and if it is, so be it. All I know is that I will probably have more left after a robbery or any other type of home invasion than the ones that are laughing at me now. I do not feel that we can any longer trust anyone' neighbors, acquaintances, government or anyone else except our closest friends and family. After reading the many horror stories, I am especially wary of any government agency. The things things that I will describe in the next few weeks will suffice for storage of most valuables that most of us own. I am personally using some of them at this time. Others I have used in the past while still others were designed for people other than myself. Some of these ideas you may already have heard of and many will probably be new to you. All of them will definitely help the average person, without unlimited resources, to protect their valuables. Not too many people that I know can afford a safe for their small valuables, a gun safe for firearms and possibly another large safe for cameras, electronic equipment, etc. Besides, if you bought of of these large safes, where would you keep them that the would not be conspicuous. I try to come up with solutions that will eliminate the problem.

Next week we will start looking at what the do, until then SURVIVE.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Investing in the stock market at this time is one of the most stupid things a person could do. At least that is my opinion. I do not think that we have seen anything near the bottom of this market. As I wrote last time, if the bailout does not work we are in real trouble. We may be in a lot more trouble down the road if it does work. the reason for that is that the economy will go up again and when the crash does come we will have much farther to fall. Each time the economy should have gone into a deep recession, the powers that be pulled it out. Each time the government did not let the economy go, we wound up with more debt and more inflation. The inflation causes us to think that we are living higher than we are. We are living somewhat higher, but that happens only through debt. You cannot borrow your way out of bankruptcy, yet that is what our crooked government is telling us that they can do. This country does not have any real money. We only have what we borrow from the FED. They do not really have any money either. They create this money out of thin air and lend it to the USA. The taxpayers must pay it back with interest. We can never catch up because they just keep giving us more and more and we have more and more interest to pay. As I have said many times in the past, The Federal Reserve Bank is not federal, has no reserves and is not a bank. They are simply a clearing house for fiat money, money created out of thin air. They no longer even print much of that money as all they need is a computer entry.

If we should not invest in the stock market, what should we invest in?? That is a question a get a lot when advising people on survival. Right now the best investments you can make is food and ammunition. We are getting closer and closer to martial law. If the economy fails, we will be put under martial law to "protect" us. We are set up so that martial law could still be called before the election and the election canceled. This would take something dramatic to happen in the next two weeks. While it may sound like a stretch, it could very well take place. The shadow government has brought this country to the brink and it would take very little to push it over the edge. Another possibility is that the election will go on and if the wrong person wins, martial law could then be put into place, thus denying the winner the office. I do not believe that will happen as both major candidates are hand picked by the shadow government. So, what is a person to do??

First, as I have written many times, stock up on at least two years worth of food. Make sure that it is food that you enjoy eating and make sure it is food that will keep. The grocery stores are full of ready made meals that need no refrigeration and will keep for a long time if stored properly. Get a dehydrator and dry your own fruits and vegetables. Get a vacuum sealer and vacuum seal them. Keep them where they will not freeze but where it will be hard for the fasciunist to find them if they show up to make sure you are not "hoarding". If you have an electric dehydrator, go out and get a solar dehydrator, you do not know how long the electric company will be able to provide you with power. Plus, this will keep the electric bill to a minimum. 

Ammo is the next investment to make. Make sure you have plenty of ammo for any weapons that you own. If you are going to keep some on hand for trade, here is a list of what I would keep. .22 rimfire, .308, 30-06, 12 gauge, 30-30, .223, .357, .44 mag. and 20 gauge. Hopefully you will have the weapons that some of these fit. For instance; if a person has a couple of  .22 rimfires, a 30-30 and a 12 gauge those are the calibers that you would want to have extras of. That way if you never had to use them for barter, you could use them up yourself.  One thing to remember about both food and ammo, you need to rotate your stock. You need to start using your oldest stock and replacing it with new. This requires some record keeping, but it keeps anything from going bad.

Next to money. I have written many times about investing in silver. The price of silver has been going down, but that is due to the government wanting it to go down. It is now at a price that you have a hard time even finding it to buy. Many dealers in silver bullion are not even selling it right now because of the depressed price. As the price dropped there was a run on silver bullion and now there is a shortage. I ordered some today through a company I deal with. I am not sure I will get it but I hope to. And, as I have always written; take delivery of the actual silver. Do not let it sit in a bank vault or in a brokers safe. When the ship hits the sand you just may not be able to get it quickly, if at all. 

The last thing I will say this week is; "GET OUT OF ANY CITIES". If you live in a city, even a small one, move out if at all possible. This is especially important if there are a lot of homeless and welfare cases in your city. When the government quits giving them handouts, there will be rioting. The suburbs are a little better, but not much. You need to be in a very small town (5,000 or less) or out in the country. You need to be able to defend your area. I know all of this sounds like I am paranoid, and maybe I am. However, I would rather be a little paranoid and be ready that to have the sky fall on me and not be ready. 

Until next time: SURVIVE

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Throughout my many years of being a survivalist, I have prepared for many scenarios. The one I have prepared for the most and the one I always expected to happen is now coming. I have stated almost since I started advising other people on survivalism that the main thing to watch for was the economy to go south. The reason that this makes a real survival situation is that there is going to be rioting, looting and other nasty happenings. If it gets bad enough martial law will be declared. I began seriously telling people to look for the economy to go in the toilet as far back as 1989. I also said at that time, if we did not have a recession, when it finally came it would be much worse. there have been a half dozen times in the ensuing twenty years that we should have gone into recession. Each time the government worked it out so the recession would not happen. Now they are telling us that this is the worst situation this country has ever been in. It is at least the worst since the Great Depression. Once again the government is going to try to bail out the bankers and the economy. I do not believe it will work this time and if it does not, we are in for some real trouble.

The best I can do right now is to give the tried and true survival advice. For years I have advised all survivalists to have a two year supply of food on hand. It may be a little late to start, but if you do not yet have your supply, increase what you have as much as possible in the time left. Everyone that reads this blog knows what I have suggested for guns, ammo and other self-defense items. You also know my attitude on the bug-out possibility. If you fully intend to stay where you are, make sure that you can defend your home and everyone in it. Have back-ups for as much of your needs as possible. For instance, we now use electricity to cook. I have three camp stoves that will do the job if necessary. Two of these stoves are propane and the third is Colman fuel run. I have supplies of Coleman fuel and LP on hand. My heat will be all wood instead of the LP with wood back-up. We have enough canning equipment to can everything in our freezer if we wind up without electricity. I have a generator that will keep the freezer going until we get the canning done. For lighting I have a Coleman fuel lantern, two LP lanterns and numerous kerosene lamps. I also have a supply of kerosene to keep them going. I also have a kerosene cook stove and a kerosene heater. However, I do not believe that I have enough kerosene at the present time to use them. 

So you see, while we may not live like we are now, we can still live somewhat normally. I have two small TVs that run off 12v batteries as well as two of the camping refrigerators which also run on 12v. Between my solar/crank up radio and my TVs I should be able to keep up on the news, such as it is. Do I want this to happen? No way; I would like to keep everything as it is now. The only problem is that it will not stay that way. If we are going to have a depression, now is better than later. If we wait until later it will just be worse yet. The economy has to be able to correct itself and the sooner the better. Had it happened back in the late 1980s or early 1990s it would not have been nearly as bad and we would not be looking at a major depression as we are today. 

I am having a hard time writing this as I am waiting to see what is going to happen. My hope is that all of you that read this are ready. A true survivalist must be ready for anything at any time. I will be watching the economy closely and will put another entry anytime I feel trouble is coming. 

Before I go, there is one thing I would like to remind everyone of. I have been telling everyone to buy silver as it is going to go up. Well it went down a lot since I began writing about it. What does that mean? Personally, I think it is time to buy. It is as cheap as it has been for a long time. If you can get it for 10% over spot, buy all you can afford, I intend to.

Until next time; SURVIVE!!!