It Is Coming
Since my last entry a week ago, things have not gotten any better. Our president and our congress are doing their best to turn the USA into the UCSA; The United Communist States of America. I am going to get off of the subject of wilderness survival and go into my ideas of safely hiding things. Much of what I will be writing for the next several weeks will be taken from my book "Stash It". The reason I am going in this direction is that I believe this is the time to stock up on food, silver, ammo, etc. However, having said that, I have to believe that when push comes to shove, our government will call a state of emergency and will attempt to confiscate anything we have stored. They will call it hoarding and by executive order make hoarding illegal. There is also the possibility that people that do not know how to survive will be around looking to steal what you have. So, I will be spending a number of weeks on safely hiding what you will need to survive.
Storing and securing survival gear. Much of a survivalist's gear is valuable, plus, most of us have many other things around the place that we consider valuable. I spent most of the eighties living in and near Chicago. Living fairly close to gangs, scum and other criminal types got me started thinking seriously about the security of my possessions. I started doing things to secrete anything that I felt was valuable enough to be tempting to the low life element. I also wanted to secrete many things from any government types that decided that confiscation was on their mind. At the time I was also doing some photography work for other people. I was taking pictures of their valuables for insurance purposes. I helped several of these people to set up storage for some of their valuables. Now I decided I needed to hide much of my own belongings such as; cameras, guns, survival food, ammo, etc. No storage system is totally one hundred percent foolproof. The best we can do is to make our equipment as difficult to find and as difficult to abscond with as possible. This is what I am going to try to do in this blog, give you the ideas that can save your belongings.
There is no way for me to know any other person's reason for wanting to store things in hidden locations. You may not want your neighbors to know what you own, you might have a very real fear of being robbed by some of the scum that roams the streets in today's world. You may even have a fear of the government agents coming snooping. The constitution of this great country guarantees each of us the right to privacy. I do not believe that any government agency, be it the BATFE, IRS or any of the other alphabet agencies has the right to snoop in my personal belongings. As long as the items are constitutionally legal and I came by the legally, it is no one else's business what I own or where or how I store it. The way the constitution is being ignored today, I no longer trust anyone. Some people call this paranoid, and if it is, so be it. All I know is that I will probably have more left after a robbery or any other type of home invasion than the ones that are laughing at me now. I do not feel that we can any longer trust anyone' neighbors, acquaintances, government or anyone else except our closest friends and family. After reading the many horror stories, I am especially wary of any government agency. The things things that I will describe in the next few weeks will suffice for storage of most valuables that most of us own. I am personally using some of them at this time. Others I have used in the past while still others were designed for people other than myself. Some of these ideas you may already have heard of and many will probably be new to you. All of them will definitely help the average person, without unlimited resources, to protect their valuables. Not too many people that I know can afford a safe for their small valuables, a gun safe for firearms and possibly another large safe for cameras, electronic equipment, etc. Besides, if you bought of of these large safes, where would you keep them that the would not be conspicuous. I try to come up with solutions that will eliminate the problem.
Next week we will start looking at what the do, until then SURVIVE.
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