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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lock and Load

I think the time has come to be ready for anything and by that I mean even self-defense from roving mobs. With the anarchists, socialists, communists, fascists and fasciunists occupying Wall Street and many other spots around the country, I believe that it is time to start thinking about having to defend ourselves. Regardless of what our pretendsident says, these hooligans are not anything like the Tea Party. These are mostly people that hate America and anyone that has done better than they have and have more than they do. Everything they have was given to them by their parents and now they want more from the taxpayers. They seem think that the taxpayers owe them a living and a really good living at that. I currently receive Social Security (which I paid for) write for a newspaper and have an on line store and I cannot afford the gadgets that these scum are using. Ipads, Iphones, laptops, and every other electronic gadget that one could want. they have all of this and complain that they are disadvantaged. Just because someone makes a million dollars, as long as they make it legally they must deserve it. The scum want their share of the million without doing a thing to earn it. As you may have noticed there has been more and more violence every day. I am afraid that soon it may erupt into a kind of civil war. As I always say, I hope I am wrong about this but would rather be ready and be wrong than to not be ready and be right.

Here is a list or the armament and the ammo that I feel that every survivalist should have on hand. First of all you need a shotgun. This will be for close range protection. To me what action you choose is unimportant. The important thing is that you are comfortable with it. If for some reason you are only comfortable with a single shot, so be it. Whatever you have is better than not having anything. My personal suggestion would be a slide action (pump) as they are about the fastest cycling shotgun there is. I personally prefer a blot action myself but they are a little hard to come by and unless you already have one you would probably be better off with a slide action or a semi-auto. There is nothing wrong with a double barrel either. A 12 gauge is about the best you can do for a shotgun. However if smaller people are going to use the gun then a 20 gauge may be the best bet. It is all a matter of what you can handle. As for ammo for the shotgun, my recommendation is to have at least 500 rounds. My breakdown of shot sizes would be something like this: 200 00 buckshot, 100 #4 bird shot, 100 # 6 bird shot, 50 # 7 1/2 bird shot and 50 rifled slugs. that should cover just about anything that you need to take care of.

Next I would opt for a .22 caliber rifle. Here a bolt action or semi-auto are my choices. Again, I really do not think that the action is as important as the ability to use what you have and be safe and comfortable with it. Here there is only one type of ammo to have and the is the Long Rifle ammo. 1,000 rounds is the minimum I recommend for .22 ammo, with 2,000 being optimal. However many you decide on make it half hollow points and half solid lead.

Now we get into the high power rifles. Here is where I depart from most survival writers in that I do not recommend any particular weapon. You can have anything from a lever action 30-30, a bolt action 30-06 or .270 or you could have a .243 or .308 semi-auto. To me this does not make any difference. What makes a difference to me is that you are comfortable with your weapon and are able to hit what you aim at. For this weapon I suggest between 500 and 1,000 rounds of ammo. You may want to have a couple of different bullet weights but if you do remember to practice with both so that you are aware of where they are going to hit.

Handguns are another thing that you may or may not want. They serve as an excellent short range weapon and I personally recommend them. If you are a revolver lover, as I am, you will want to get a .357 or .44 magnum. You may also want to have a .22 revolver to use as a practice gun and for hunting small game. If you are a semi-auto handgun lover, my suggestion would be get a 1911 .45. If you have the money you may want to get a Desert Eagle in .44 mag or .50 caliber. I do not believe in .40 caliber and 9mm's as they do not have the knockdown power. If you want one because of the ammo capacity I guess they are all right but I want something with knockdown power. You may want one as a backup but I prefer a .380 or even a .25 caliber. Here again, with the semi-auto you may want to get a .22 to practice with. As far as ammo for your handgun, I feel that you will need at least 500 rounds.

That should take care of your armament and ammo supply for any emergency. I have only three other things to say about firearms, practice, practice, PRACTICE. Always be ready and hope the time never comes that you have to use the knowledge and skill you posses.

Until next time, check out my other blog and my store:

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Agenda 21 (6)

I do not know how long tonight's blog will be. I am going to cover the North American Union and the Trans-Texas Corridor and a little about what you can do about what is happening. I am still studying more about Agenda 21 so I may have more blogs on the subject. However, this will be the last one in this series.

To meet the global objectives for equalization of economies, the Sustainable Development system requires all global trade to be managed by the World Trade organization. The first thing they need to do is to bring down the American standard of living to equal with the rest of the world and bring American production down with it. They could never think about bringing the rest of the world up to our standards, they need to tear us down.

The Trans-Texas Corridor is a great part of that plan. This corridor is part of the creation of the North American Union. This will supposedly equalize the economic condition of Mexico, Canada and the United States. It intends to do this by bringing The United States and Canada down to the level of Mexico. This corridor will have trade routs, utility lines, inland ports and even toll roads. Various multi-national corporations will develop and manage and own these systems as a "public private partnership". In other words we are going into fascism. This is why I consider it fasciunism, because as soon as the fascism takes total control, we will be folded into a one world communist government. This would come about by the eventual merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States, which by design would lead to regional government and giving up unalienable rights and national sovereignty. This would soon give way to the one world government that all of the closet communists want. One of the things that started this was the Kelo v City of New London Supreme Court case. That decision neutralized the public use requirements of the Fifth Amendment. Now they can take land from people to build the corridor and there is no legal way to stop them.

What can we do to stop what is going on? First check out what your youngsters are being taught in school. In many schools they are being taught Sustainable Development by developing in them collectivist attitudes, values and beliefs. Sustainable Development calls for the abolishment of private property and that is also being taught in schools. Much of what is being done in the real estate market and the rest of the economy is to make sure that our children and grandchildren will never be able to afford to own property. We may be looking at the last generation to own our own homes. This is becoming a battle between Liberty and Freedom against Tyranny and dictatorship. We all need to get involved in stopping this or it will not get stopped. Here are a few thing that you can do.

Check and see if there is a trend in your area to replace present political boundaries with regional governance. There is no way to hold politicians accountable in a regional governance situation.

Make sure that your area does not take state or federal money for new Sustainable Development programs. This is not in tune with the American system of federalism. Withdraw from any established Sustainable Development programs that you may already be in.

Never allow your community to get into partnerships with the federal government, NGOs, Foundations or corporations if they support Sustainable Development. Do not allow your community to be surrendered to Sustainable Development interests and monied interests.

Make sure you understand the role of public officials in your community and make sure they administer government in a manner that protects your liberty and justice.

Get to know and fully understand the Constitution of the great country. Elected officials are sworn by oath to defend it. Check out Article 1, Section 8 and also the 9th and 10th Amendments. Also check out the 14th Amendment, which limits the states' police power.

And finally, if the ICLEI is in your town: KICK THEM OUT.

That is it for this week and as I stated in the beginning, I may make more entries on the subject as I learn more about it. Until next week check out my store and my political blog.

Protecting Yourself - 3

As promised last time, I am going to go into raising animals and large gardens and also if time allows will get into some on hunting for your own food. One of the reasons that I am so sure we will need the ability to feed ourselves without depending on stores is that I believe that there is going to be a takeover of certain areas of the economy. As I write this there are demonstrations and riots going on all over the world. These are all directed at the one percent of the wealthy, or so it is stated. This is an act of pure anarchism. If this keeps up (and it looks like it may) the next thing that will happen will be looting and more riots. Once that begins, it will not be safe to go to stores, even if they do have goods on their shelves. The police will not be able to control it as there are not enough police. The only way to control it will be to declare martial law and that is just what I am afraid of.

My personal preference of animals to raise is chickens. The reason being that they can supply you with both meat and eggs. For two people I feel that ten laying hens, one rooster and two bantam hens are about right. The ten hens will supply eggs for two people and the rooster will fertilize the eggs. Sitting on eggs has been bred out of most chickens so you need the bantams if you want to produce more chicks. I would probably try to hatch at least twelve or fifteen chicks per year. This would allow you to kill off the roosters as soon as they reach fryer age and keep the hens as replacements for the older birds. If you have one of the heavy breeds such as Rhode Island Reds or Brahmas, which I prefer, and you wind up with too many hens you could raise a couple up for roasting birds. When the new five or six hens that you are going to keep for layers are of laying age, you can butches that many of the old hens for soup. Thus you will be able to keep a steady flock of ten good layers and still have meat.

You will need a hen house with roosts and nesting boxes in it for your chickens and a fenced in outside area for them to exercise in. You probably will need to purchase some feed unless you are able to let the chickens completely free range. Even then, feeding some laying mash will pay for itself in the amount of eggs you will get. When I keep chickens in a fenced area I feed laying mash and also some oats as a scratch feed. The mash is kept in a feeding trough while the oats is scattered around the ground. You also need to keep water where they can get to it at all times. In the winter here in the north that either means a heating element in the water or adding water two or three times a day.

Another plus you will get from the chickens is the fact that all of the manure that you get out of the hen house can be used on the garden. There is one thing to be careful of and that is that chicken manure is too hot to use immediately. You must let chicken manure age for at least one year before using it or the crops you plant in it will burn. If you build a movable chicken house you can rid entire areas of weeds. Every time the grass is all gone from the pen area you just move the house and fence to the next weedy spot and let the chickens do their thing. Also, throw any weeds and other trash from your garden into the chicken yard and they will clean it up. If you are not going to compost something, the chickens get it.

Now for rabbits. There are two ways to raise rabbits, the most common way in raised hutches or in a pen in a grassy area. The hutch method is probably best especially if you are limited in area. Also the hutch area gives you the ability to collect the manure and that is great stuff in the garden. You need to purchase rabbit pellets for feed and that can get a little expensive. You also need to keep water for them at all times and again up north that can be a problem. What I did when I raised rabbits was to butcher all except one pair in the fall so I only had one pair to take care of. I used an electric heat tape to keep their water from freezing and did not let them breed until I knew that the young would be born in warm weather.

If you are going to do the pen method, you will need to build a pen large enough to hold the amount of rabbits that you have. You will need to build it in a grassy area so they can eat the grass. A clover of alfalfa field is ideal but any grass is okay. This will cut down on the amount of feed you will need to purchase, if any. all you will need to do is to make sure they always have water. One thing about the pen. The sides do not need to be very tall but you should put a cover over it. This should be make out of the same fencing that you use for the sides. This will keep all predators out of the pen and keep your rabbits safe. the one bad thing about the pen method is that you do not get the use of the manure.

There you have a short explanation of what to raise and a little bit of how to. I would suggest that if you are really serious about raising animals that you would do some study on whichever animal you are going to raise. There are many good books on the subject and a wealth of information on the internet. I just gave you the highlights and enough knowledge to decide whether you think it is worth your trouble. I firmly believe it is because as I stated, I think we are in for a long hard time in this country.

I will get into the hunting for food in my next entry. This one has gone on long enough because the hunting portion will be just as long or longer. Until next time, check out my other blog and my store.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Protecting Yourself - 2

Last time I discussed protecting yourself. I think that it is getting more and more certain that it may be coming to that. I have been predicting on my political blog that I felt that pretendsident OhBummer may be going to cancel the election of 2012. This is the only way that he can be assured of four (or more) more years. Should that occur I believe that it will cause a civil war. People all over the country will be upset, as well they should. When they start to complain and to try to do something about it, the blacks that still back Ohbummer will scream racist and begin their riots. From there on it will deteriorate.

What should we do? First of all prepare. Do not sit back and say that it could never happen here in the USA. If enough people do that it WILL happen here in the USA. I am afraid that there is so much apathy in this country that it could happen. People are too busy watching sports and daytime talk shows that they are not even paying attention to what is going on in the country. Second, watch for some major catastrophe such as another terrorist attack or a major financial crisis (especially if it is worldwide) or anything that could trigger the government taking over. Even if it looks like it is not something that the government created, it could be and if it is not they could take advantage of it anyway. Remember, this is the regime that said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste".

Next you should make sure that your home and your family are well protected. I have written enough about this that I should not have to repeat the particulars. Be ready to protect yourself and your family. That can mean anything from finding a good hiding place to standing where you are and fighting. I truly hope and pray that it never comes to that, but it is something we must be ready for if the time comes.

For those of you who live in an area where it is possible and that have enough space to raise some animals for food; do so. I personally am going to obtain chickens in the spring. I am going to get one of the large breeds such as Rhode Island Reds or Brahmas to give us the most meat and still lay eggs. I am also going to get a rooster and a couple of bantam hens. The rooster to fertilize the eggs and the bantams to sit on them and hatch them. Sitting on eggs has been bred out of most regular breeds, but bantams still have that instinct. By raising my own chicks, I can butcher the young rooster for fryers, keep the hens for layers and when they are laying good I can butcher the old hens for soup. If there are more hens than I feel I need for replacement layers I will let them get big enough for roasting hens. That is another reason for obtaining one of the larger breeds.

I will also be planting a larger garden and possibly looking at other animals. We live on a dead end road, (last house) and have five acres. Although most of it is in woods, we could raise a couple of hogs if we felt it would increase our chances of survival. It is also easier for me to protect what is mine than it is for some of you. Rabbits are another possibility for a meat animal. They are easy to raise and do not make the noise that chickens (especially with a rooster) do. There is also a lot less odor that there would be with hogs. You can even get away with raising rabbits in some towns and smaller cities.

These are just some of the ways to prepare yourself for what may happen. If it does not happen and I pray to God that it does not, you will have just saved some money by raising your own. Whatever you can do, be it little or much, it cannot hurt and will definitely help. In my next entry I will be giving some information on raising animals and large gardens. Until then SURVIVE and check out my other blog and my store.