Protecting Yourself - 2
Last time I discussed protecting yourself. I think that it is getting more and more certain that it may be coming to that. I have been predicting on my political blog that I felt that pretendsident OhBummer may be going to cancel the election of 2012. This is the only way that he can be assured of four (or more) more years. Should that occur I believe that it will cause a civil war. People all over the country will be upset, as well they should. When they start to complain and to try to do something about it, the blacks that still back Ohbummer will scream racist and begin their riots. From there on it will deteriorate.
What should we do? First of all prepare. Do not sit back and say that it could never happen here in the USA. If enough people do that it WILL happen here in the USA. I am afraid that there is so much apathy in this country that it could happen. People are too busy watching sports and daytime talk shows that they are not even paying attention to what is going on in the country. Second, watch for some major catastrophe such as another terrorist attack or a major financial crisis (especially if it is worldwide) or anything that could trigger the government taking over. Even if it looks like it is not something that the government created, it could be and if it is not they could take advantage of it anyway. Remember, this is the regime that said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste".
Next you should make sure that your home and your family are well protected. I have written enough about this that I should not have to repeat the particulars. Be ready to protect yourself and your family. That can mean anything from finding a good hiding place to standing where you are and fighting. I truly hope and pray that it never comes to that, but it is something we must be ready for if the time comes.
For those of you who live in an area where it is possible and that have enough space to raise some animals for food; do so. I personally am going to obtain chickens in the spring. I am going to get one of the large breeds such as Rhode Island Reds or Brahmas to give us the most meat and still lay eggs. I am also going to get a rooster and a couple of bantam hens. The rooster to fertilize the eggs and the bantams to sit on them and hatch them. Sitting on eggs has been bred out of most regular breeds, but bantams still have that instinct. By raising my own chicks, I can butcher the young rooster for fryers, keep the hens for layers and when they are laying good I can butcher the old hens for soup. If there are more hens than I feel I need for replacement layers I will let them get big enough for roasting hens. That is another reason for obtaining one of the larger breeds.
I will also be planting a larger garden and possibly looking at other animals. We live on a dead end road, (last house) and have five acres. Although most of it is in woods, we could raise a couple of hogs if we felt it would increase our chances of survival. It is also easier for me to protect what is mine than it is for some of you. Rabbits are another possibility for a meat animal. They are easy to raise and do not make the noise that chickens (especially with a rooster) do. There is also a lot less odor that there would be with hogs. You can even get away with raising rabbits in some towns and smaller cities.
These are just some of the ways to prepare yourself for what may happen. If it does not happen and I pray to God that it does not, you will have just saved some money by raising your own. Whatever you can do, be it little or much, it cannot hurt and will definitely help. In my next entry I will be giving some information on raising animals and large gardens. Until then SURVIVE and check out my other blog and my store.
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