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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Are every one of you survivalists out there ready? Let's have a little review of things that you need if you are to be ready.

First of all we need to take a look at food. We all need two weeks of highly portable food, packed and ready to take and bug out at a moments notice. You may believe that you will not have to bug out as you live in an out of the way place. That is what I hope also. I live at the end of a dead end road with only one neighbor withing the first half mile. However, I still have my bug out gear ready. Along with the food you need some other supplies with that food. You should have a good sturdy knife in the gear along with a gun if possible. I have a take apart .22 auto pistol in my gear and that will be in addition to the hi-power bolt action rifle that I hope to be able to grab on my way out. That rifle is where I can get it quickly and there are 100 rounds of ammo right next to it. I also have 200 rounds of .22 ammo in my bug out gear. You will need at least a first aid kit in the gear and possibly a partial medical kit. That all depends where you intend to go if you need to bug out. You should probably have a sleeping bag or at least a good blanket and a tarp with the gear. A flashlight and some candles along with waterproof matches need to be there too. Some type of camp stove may be in order. I have a two burner folding Sterno stove and four of the large cans of Sterno. Actually you could do away with the Sterno as these little stoves can sit right on a bed of coals from a small fire. You may want to include a compass with the gear as well as some survival fishing gear.

That is about the extent of my bug out gear. If you are somewhat more sure that you will have to bug out (if for instance you live in a larger city) you may want to add various other items. Also, if you do not intend to return to your present location it would be a good idea to have much more. At that point I would have items that could go into the trunk of my car or my SUV or pickup. However, I would still have my two week bug out gear packed and ready.

Next, you need to have a supply for if you are going to stay where you are. Even if you know you may have to leave for at least a while, you still should supply your needs for a two year period. For those of you who may have cabins in the woods or some other remote place, much of what you are going to store should be there. You are going to need to find a spot to store your two year supply whether it be in your home or in your cabin. For those of us in the northern half of the country, we need to make sure that our food does not freeze.

When you are thinking about your two year supply, do not just think food. Think things like toilet paper, women's sanitary needs, shaving equipment and other incidentals. You may also want to stock up on vitamins and supplements. Most of them have a two year shelf life so if you are taking certain ones now, get a two year supply and just keep using the oldest in your stash and replace them as you use up a bottle. I would suggest that you keep at least multi-vitamins on hand. I also take C, E, A & D, B-Complex and several supplements. That is just me, many of you will not want to do that. I do not have a full two year supply on all of my vitamins and supplements, only C, & E and the multi. Another thing to do is to try to have any prescriptions you may take as far ahead as your doctor will allow. The ones I take I have from six to fifteen month ahead. You may want also to find out what natural supplement you could use to replace your prescriptions with.

You should also have a good supply of arms and ammunition on hand. Some of this should be well hidden yet fairly easy to get at. I am intending to do another column on what I believe is the weapons and ammo to have on hand. I may have done one early in this blog, but feel it may be good to revisit that problem.

There are many more things that I feel that we should all have on hand such as silver or gold for trade. I also believe that having a large stock of ammunition on hand might come in handy as barter goods. You should know something about wild plants for both food and medicine. You should also know how to hide your stores and equipment without breaking the bank. I have written a book titled "Stash-It", which contains much information about hiding your goods. It sells for $8.50 and if anyone is interested, leave me a note in the comment section of this blog and I will get back to you.

Until next week check out:

Friday, December 10, 2010


I know that I was talking about EMP last week and there is more I could say. However, there are other things that need attention. I feel that you could handle EMP by using Faraday boxes and being careful, so I am going to a different subject. I will try to get back to EMP in a future blog.

What I want to talk about this week is food. You see, our government and other global elites are attempting to take over the food production and starve a good share of the world. This is fasciunism rearing its ugly head in the most hideous way. If you know what senate bill S510 is you will realize that it is a bill to control all food production in this country. It was shot down due to the fact that it originated in the senate and any bill that requires funding cannot be originated in the senate. So as usual, the democrats are using a dirty tactic to get their bill passed. They are attaching it to the budget extension bill and using that to get it through. This cannot be allowed to happen.

Here is an interesting fact. Monsanto, the huge global agribusiness company has recently bought Blackwater. That is the mercenary group that got in so much trouble in Iraq. What in the world does an agribusiness company need with a group of mercenaries? could it be because they are they are creating seeds that are so genetically modified that they will not produce seeds? Once you harvest your crop, you will have to go back to Monsanto to buy more. They call this the "terminator" seeds. Apparently they intend to destroy and control all of the food supply world wide and make farmers come begging for more seed. There is a good possibility that these seeds will produce food with decreased nutritional value.

I believe that this is a fasciunist plot to control the population. Once again it is government and business getting together to control what we can do and how we can live. As a survivalist, it think that we all need to purchase garden seeds that are open pollinated and not purchase any hybrids. If you have never gardened, start this year. Plant as little or as much as you have space for and learn to save seeds. I am going to purchase all heirloom seeds this year. These are all open pollinated and I can save seeds and grow another crop next year.

Many of you reading this may live in apartments or areas where you cannot have a garden. Start some plants in containers. If you have the right size containers you can grow just about any vegetable that can be grown in a garden. Now is no time to hesitate. Things are moving faster and faster and it does not look good. I have written much about the idea of having a two year supply of food stored. This is what I am still recommending. When a company like Monsanto gets their own mercenary group, it is time to take notice.

If S510 should pass, the fasciunist government of this country would have control over all farming operations. This includes the small family farms, part-time farms, small truck farms and anyone that sells their product on the market. It would mean an end to farmer's markets and sales of produce and eggs at flea markets. This is why it is imperative that every survivalist starts now to produce some of their own food.

There is also another thing that those of you who may live in apartments or other areas where a regular garden can be grown. Go out and learn how to find, harvest and use wild foods. This is something that I do even though I have my two year supply of food. There are many things that you can find in the wild if you study on it and then go out and look. If you get lucky you may even find an apple or plum tree where there once was a farm that no longer exists. I have an apple tree in the wild and for the past two years my wife and I have picked apples there and made apple sauce from them. Do anything you can to make sure that you will have a food supply when things really get bad.

See you next week. Until then check out:

Thursday, December 02, 2010


Like on my other blog, I have been on a long hiatus from writing. Most of what kept me away from my blogs is finished now and I should be able to get back to a once a week entry.

EMP or electro-magnetic pulse is something that could happen if a nuclear bomb were exploded in the atmosphere. By exploding a two megaton bomb at an altitude of two hundred miles over Kansas, the EMP would cover the entire continental United States. What would happen is that most of the electrical plants would be knocked off line and also most of the telephones and TV and radio would be affected. The pulse from EMP goes into the power lines, phone lines, etc. and follows them to points of beginning or end. In other words, if a pulse got into an electric line to which you are hooked, it could go one way and take out the power plant and would also come into your home via the electric wires and take out whatever you had plugged in at the time. Think of the chaos this would cause over the entire country.

If another country wanted to start a war with us, a large nuclear device exploded above our country would be a good way to begin. A nuclear blast would put out a large amount of electronic energy which would get into all of our electronic equipment. There are differences of opinion on how some things would be affected. Some believe that most cars on the road would be affected and come to a stop. They also believe that it could affect airplanes and that they could fall from the sky. Trains and buses would also be affected under those circumstances. The military hardened most of its equipment back during the cold war. However, since the end of the cold war they have been pretty lax about keeping it up. That means it is hard to know how well our military could react to something like this. Homeland security, both state and federal agencies, have done very little to either get a handle on this project or to notify the public about what could happen and how to prepare for it.

While I do not know how to harden equipment to withstand EMP, I do know how to protect some of your equipment: it is called a Faraday Box. A Faraday Box need be little more than a cardboard box into which you put a radio of something else you wish to protect. You then cover the box with aluminum foil. The box must be completely covered with no seams showing and no open areas. The aluminum foil will stop the EMP pulse and the cardboard will insulate it from the metal. You could use an old ammo box as long as you put cardboard on the bottom and the item being protected was not touching the metal of the inside of the box.

My suggestion for all survivalists is to put a few items into these Faraday boxes and store them for the possibility they will be needed. A short wave radio, a CB radio, a regular AM and FM radio (or a combination type radio). You might also want to put in an older computer hard drive if you think that you would need one. I do not believe the phone lines will be up very soon so I do not have one. You will need a good supply of batteries to power all of your equipment as there may not be electricity for quite a length of time. If your cars are all newer and have all of the electronic computers and gadgets to keep them running, you will want to put a complete ignition setup into a Faraday Box so that if ye EMP takes out your car you can get it back on the road. However, if the EMP takes out the electricity, you may not be able to buy gasoline anyway. I have a 1967 small motorcycle that would use very little gas and would allow me to get around.

You are going to make up your own mind what you think you will need as the power comes back on. Those of you who may have the old vacuum tube radios are lucky, all you need to do is keep them unplugged when not in actual use.

There are more things that I could say about this but I will wait until my next post. Until then check out;