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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Another time I am going to talk about something other than wilderness survival. In my last entry I stated that I saw the country going down the tubes. That was about two weeks ago and a lot has happened in that two weeks. If it looked like we were going down the tubes then, it is much worse now. More banks have failed, Wall Street is in a tizzy and Shrub and Paulson want $700 billion. Actually, there is no way that anything can be done short of a trillion. these are numbers I do not even comprehend. the time has come to start to really get serious about survival. You need to worry about not only your financial survival, but the very survival of your life.

Now is the time to hunker down and get ready. Do you have any money in the stock market? I do not and do not advise anyone to have any there either. Buy silver, buy gold, buy land, buy ammunition, buy food. These are the things that are going to put you through the upcoming depression. You read that correctly; I said depression, not recession. I have been preaching for over twenty years that the powers that be needed to let the economy go down. The sooner they would have done it the less it would have hurt. 1992 would have been a good time to let the economy fail. At that point it would have been a major recession or a very minor depression. There were also many other times since then that it would have been advantageous to let the economy go. Each time the downturn would have been a little worse than the time before, but we could have handled it. Each time the government found a way to prop it up and get us farther into debt. If they throw a trillion at it right now it will make it that much worse in a year or two. 

I believe that they are going to do it because it is an election year. The rule of politics is going to overrule the rule of common sense. Of course in the District of Craziness the rule of common sense does not exist. Here is the scenario I see. Shrub and Paulson get their trillion dollars and bail the big lenders out of this mess. Early in the new presidency, an even worse event will take place and there will be no fix to it. That is when the whole ball of wax will fall and the ship will hit the sand. At that point there will be runs on banks, food riots and many other riots and uprisings all over the country. This is what you need to be ready for. 

Now is the time to get out of the city and into a small town or the countryside. Now is the time to get your survival gear in shape and yourself as well. I have lost thirty pounds this year and am getting back to where I was earlier in life. I will be putting up more wood to heat with this year as the price of L.P. has skyrocketed this year. We are putting up more food and I am making more storage space. I am getting my ammo supply up to the max and doing all else to get my armament in shape. My pop-up camping trailer is loaded and ready to go if need be. However I feel that I can defend myself in my present location. My four grown children, their spouses and their children also know that they are welcome here and will be a great help in the defense of my area. There are many things in my past postings that you can go back over and look at. Learn as much as possible so that you can do as much as possible. 

I may sound cruel, but those that do not prepare and are not ready to fend for themselves are on their own as far as I am concerned. The ones that expect the government or someone else to take care of them are not welcome around me. Those who are doing their best and need a little hand to make it can always expect my help. I know that this has been just a lot of rambling but I am trying to get my thoughts together and will have a much better entry next week. Until then:

Friday, September 12, 2008

Where Are We?

I will get back to wilderness survival soon, but as a survivalist, I like to take care of the what is happening now. As I sit here typing this, we are watching our country go right down the tubes. We may not have to worry about wilderness survival unless martial law is put into effect and they come to arrest and imprison us gun owning survivalists. That is a possibility, but I do not think it has a real high possibility rating. It will probably be a little more like you will have to defend yourself against looters and other riff raff.

Here is what I see. I see the United States going completely bankrupt. Our government keeps bailing out banks and businesses and they have to borrow money to do it. That is kind of like having to rob Peter to pay Paul. They have just bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the amount is astronomical. They say it is to protect the average homeowner, but I do not believe that for just one minute. At the moment the government is able to manipulate the economy so that it does not look so bad. That will come to a halt when they have no place to get the money. This, being an election year, should be fairly safe. However, after the election is over grab your butt with both hands and hold on, we are going for a ride and it is all down hill. I truly hope that I am wrong about this, but it does not look like it. What to do?

As I have stated in the past, purchase as much food as you have money for and can store. At this time I am advising to have much of it either freeze dried food or dehydrated food that is vacuum packed. The reason I say this is I believe that at one time Bill Clinton sign a presidential order that in an emergency, no one could have more than a two week supply of food. By having much of your food freeze dried or dehydrated and vacuum sealed you can bury it and it will last a lot longer than canned or frozen food. It is also easier to hide than other types of food. While I do not like MREs or freeze dried food, I am putting some away just in case. At the same time I am dehydrating as much as I can as fast as possible. I am currently using a solar dehydrator and will be using an electric one as soon as the weather gets too bad. 

Besides food, silver and ammunition are the next two things to consider. Once the country goes bankrupt and the dollar is useless, you will need silver or gold to do your purchasing. I prefer silver because you can get it in lower denominations, which will be easier to use. And ammunition, especially things like .22, 30-30, 308, 243, and 30-06 will be prime barter items. Plus, make sure that you have plenty for your own use. 

For those who live in medium to large cities, I would suggest that you do your best to get out. Small towns or better yet out in the country will be the place to be. The farther from a large metropolitan area the better. Buy and acre of land or two acres or as much as you can afford. Even if you do not feel like you can move now, you will have it for a back-up. 

I do not believe it will make much difference who gets elected, Hussein or McNasty, things are going to hell in a hand basket. I do not believe that it can be stopped, so all we can do is be ready for it and survive. I am not voting for either of them but will be voting for Chuck Baldwin who is running on the Constitution Party ticket. Voting for either party is voting for the lesser of two evils and I will not vote for evil. That is what I believe everyone should do. I do not know if the Constitution Party could pull us out of the mess we are in, but they would do better than the other two parties. 

Keep you heads down and your guns loaded. Things are about to come to a head and all of you survival skills may be put to the test. 

Until next time check out: