Prepare NOW II
Advising what to do with guns and ammo is kind of hard, not knowing what is going to happen. If martial law is put into effect, they could come around and attempt to confiscate all of our weapons and all of our ammo. At the very least they would want all weapons registered. Many people would hide their weapons and their ammo. While this would keep the government from getting them, they would be rather useless to the owners too. However, if push comes to shove, mine will be hidden along with everyone elses. Anyone who has the space should consdider getting an old chest type freezer now and burying it now. If you buryed one for food as I suggested, do not bury the second one too close. The one you bury for your guns need not even be used at the present time, but if you need it quickly, there it is. Make sure the seal on the lid is good so that no moisture can get in and have desicant on hand to put in with the guns when you put them in. One of the large old chest type freezers will hold a lot of guns and a lot of ammo. Oil your guns good before putting them in storage and use plenty of desicant packages and you should be okay. Another way to go, if you want to hide guns individually is to use PVC pipe. Cap one end solid and use a pipe plug on the other end. Put your gun and a supply of ammo in each pipe and bury them. Use a post hole digger and bury them vertically and they will be harder to detect. Start next to a large tree and angle the digger so that the hole is mostly under the tree and it will be next to impossible, even with a metal detector to find the gun.
For those of you wo do not believe that such a thing could happen as martial law and gun confiscation, think again. While many of our troops would not come and confiscate our guns, there are many foreign troops training in America that would be more than glad to do the job. My feeling is that is why they are here. They are here to do any dirty work that our own troops would not carry out against other Americans. Most of these foreign troops are from countries that have draconian gun laws and would think nothing of taking ours away. So, while I hope it never happens, it is better safe than sorry.
Have somewhere to go in case of an emergency. It could very well be that cities will be overrun with roving gangs and other scum that you would rather not be around. Having somewhere to get away from the rioting and other lawlessness may well be your only salvation. The reason I say this is that I feel before martial law is declared there will be a period of pure anarchy. The government will let this happen so that the can claim that the martial law is necessary. I do not know how long they will let this anarchy go on, but it will be long enough for the average head in the armpit citizen to cry to the government for help. They will not get off their butt to help themselves, and they will take anything that the government offers. They will sit and drink beer and watch the idiot controlled media tell them that they will be better off as slaves and they will go along with it. Just do not take their beer, sports and inane so-called entertainment away from them.
Should you decide to hide guns and ammo, hide them on your getaway place if you have one. If you cannot afford to get your own place, maybe you know someone with land where you could park a camper of even a tent. This would be temporary until you saw how things played out. The important thing is to plan ahead and act for your and your families safety.
For those of you wo do not believe that such a thing could happen as martial law and gun confiscation, think again. While many of our troops would not come and confiscate our guns, there are many foreign troops training in America that would be more than glad to do the job. My feeling is that is why they are here. They are here to do any dirty work that our own troops would not carry out against other Americans. Most of these foreign troops are from countries that have draconian gun laws and would think nothing of taking ours away. So, while I hope it never happens, it is better safe than sorry.
Have somewhere to go in case of an emergency. It could very well be that cities will be overrun with roving gangs and other scum that you would rather not be around. Having somewhere to get away from the rioting and other lawlessness may well be your only salvation. The reason I say this is that I feel before martial law is declared there will be a period of pure anarchy. The government will let this happen so that the can claim that the martial law is necessary. I do not know how long they will let this anarchy go on, but it will be long enough for the average head in the armpit citizen to cry to the government for help. They will not get off their butt to help themselves, and they will take anything that the government offers. They will sit and drink beer and watch the idiot controlled media tell them that they will be better off as slaves and they will go along with it. Just do not take their beer, sports and inane so-called entertainment away from them.
Should you decide to hide guns and ammo, hide them on your getaway place if you have one. If you cannot afford to get your own place, maybe you know someone with land where you could park a camper of even a tent. This would be temporary until you saw how things played out. The important thing is to plan ahead and act for your and your families safety.