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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Preparing NOW!!

While I have been on several breaks for family medical reasons, many things have happened. Since I wrote my last planning article in Oct. the demlicans have taken over the house and the senate. Laws have been passed that will take away more of the few freedoms we have left. Other laws have been proposed that would put us under a virtual dictatorship, (yes even worse than now). We are sending all of our troops to fight an unwinnable war in Iraq while our southern border is being breeched by invaders. Anyone who has not at least started to prepare had better start. I do not think that it will be long before the inevitable happens. I believe we are looking at martial law within the next two years. Why? With Mexicans and other invaders pouring over the border every day, people will soon get tired of it and take things into their own hands. When that happens the government will declare martial law, not to help Americans but to help the invaders while taking away all of our constitutional rights. With all of our troops overseas fighting in Afganistan and Iraq, do not be surprised if you see foriegn troops patroling our streets in a martial law situation. The time to prepare is now. If you have already started, speed up your preparation. Today I am just going to give a quick recap of how, what and why.
Next week I may go deeper into this aspect of survival.

Food comes first. Under martial law, HOARDING may become illegal. This means that no one is to have more than a three day supply of food or the government can confiscate it to give to people who have less. You may want to had a certain amount of your food, especially any freeze dried food you may have. You may want to bury an old refrigerator or freezer and fill them with all types of food that will keep. I have always advised a two year supply of food on hand at all time and I still do, but with the warning that if you do not hide it and martial law is put into effect, you may lose it. I am going to depend more on gardening, hunting, fishing and gathering wild foods myself. While I know that everyone cannot do this, all who can should make plans now. You might also want to find other ways besides firearms for your hunting. With martial law, gun confiscation may not be far behind. While you may turn you guns in or you may hide them, either way you will not have them to use. Learn to use a bow, a crossbow, a slingshot, whatever you can take food animals with. If you have enough land to have a hidden garden plot on, you might want to do that too, just in case someone would decide you raised too much food for just your family.

I think it is time to turn any investment you have into silver or gold. Money in the bank will do you no good. Stocks and bonds will do you no good. Land is a good investment only if you have a personal use for it. If it is a retreat of sorts, by all means buy it if you can afford it and need it. People who live in medium to large cities will need this option most. Smaller towns and rural people will probably be safe enough where they are. You know what your area is like and only you can make that decision. My first investment woud be in silver as it is less expensive and comes in small enough denominations that you can do your day to day commerce with it. If you can find it, pre 1964 American coins are the best. These should be followed by one ounce rounds and bars. When you have enough of these that you feel will see you through a couple of months (I opt for a three month supply) than you can either purchase silver in the five or ten ounce bars or go directly to gold. With both silver and gold, purchase common dates and not collectables and numismatically priced coins. Here again take care of where you keep these investments. This country has confiscated gold once and it is possible that they could do it again. They have never confiscated silver, but it is not a possibility. Another reason to keep silver and gold is the coming North American Union. This will be the undoing of our currency and gold and silver will be your only hope. This will be another cause of massive rioting in this country. When enough people wake up to what is taking place, I do not believe that they will stand for it. Again, a reason for martial law.

I am going to end this here for this week and pick it up again next week. I will write at least on column per week and possibly two until I get through this subject.


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