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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Medicine III

As I stated in my last post, tonight I am going to talk about some more natural remedies. However, there are a couple of things I would also like to cover. that is the fact that I see this country coming closer and closer to being torn down. I think it is time for all of us to get ready for whatever is coming. We are not coming out of the recession that we are in. Pretendsident Obama cannot keep blaming Bush for the problems. There are also the wars which our so-called leader gets us into. I firmly believe that before the election of 2012 we will see martial law. I have talked about this some in other blogs and will go back into it in two weeks when I get back to this blog. I will also be talking about it in my other blog next week. But for now let us get back to the subject at hand, health and natural ways of curing things.

First of all let me say that if you took everything that I mention you probably could not afford it. I am just going through all of the possibilities that I can think of at the moment and giving you choices. You take the ones that you need and leave the rest alone. Many people in today's world are on anti-depression drugs such as Zoloft or Citalopram Hydrobromide. Two herbs come to mind here. First is St. John's Wort which is a fairly well know herb for this purpose. the second is Ginkgo Biloba. While this is more well known as a memory herb, it also helps with depression or anxiety. One that will help with the anxiety is Chamomile. this is the week that grows in many yards. All you need to do is to pick the flowers dry them and make tea using the dried flowers. You can also just go to the store and purchase the Chamomile tea bags. I prefer to pick my own as I can control exactly what I am doing.

Do you have a problem with arthritis? You could go to the store and get some Glucosomine and you would find that it works well. I used it for a while and it helped my arthritic knee. However it got so I could not afford it so I tried another method. Take one cup of hot water, add one teaspoon of Cinnamon and two teaspoons of honey. Mix it up good and drink it. You need to do this twice a day for it to work. I have been doing it for a couple of months now and have no knee problems. Cayenne peppers are great and making a salve or lineament with this in them and used daily on your arthritic area will help a great deal.

A couple of things that could happen in a survival situation are diarrhea and indigestion. One of the best things for diarrhea is a tea made from either blackberry or raspberry roots and leaves. Steep about two teaspoons of dried leaves in a cup of water. Take this three times a day and within a day or two your diarrhea will be gone. Chamomile tea or Peppermint tea are two of the best antidotes for indigestion. One teaspoon of dried Chamomile flowers or one and a half teaspoons of dried peppermint leaves to a cup of hot water, and again about three cups in the day and you should be good to go.

I could go on with this as there are whole books written on herbal remedies. However, I just wanted to get you started and maybe interested to pursue it on your own on line or from books. From time to time in my future writings I may slip in a remedy or two just to keep you up on things. I am still learning and will probably always be learning. the study of herbs is a never ending study. We do need to know how to take care of our health during a survival situation and I feel herbal medicine is the best way. Especially the herbs that you can pick wild or grow and the remedies you can make for yourself. Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep and stay healthy.

Until next time check out my other blog and my store;

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Medicine II

Tonight's entry is going to be mostly about keeping healthy and having what you need in a survival situation. First of all I am a firm believer in vitamins and supplements. If you look at many of them, you may be able to replace some of the prescription meds you are taking. For instance: garlic tablets do a fine job of keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol. You need to take a lot of this item, but it will do almost as good. Now, I am not advising going off your blood pressure medicine or your cholesterol medicine. What I am suggesting is knowing that if things really get bad and you simply cannot get your medicines, garlic will definitely do you good. And if you are raising some of your own garlic and can use that, it will help even more.

Let's get down to what I think that we should all be doing right now. First of all, I believe that everyone should, at the very least, be taking a multiple vitamin. Even if we believe that we are eating a balanced diet, many of the foods we purchase commercially are so over-processed that we are not really getting all of the vitamins and minerals that we need. Processing removes a lot of trace minerals that our bodies need. By taking a multiple vitamin/mineral tablet, you can correct that shortage. That is the least I feel you should do. I also feel that you should have a store of these on hand in case of a large enough upheaval that you are unable to purchase any.

Now, let's look at some specialty vitamins and minerals. As I already stated, garlic should be on your list if you are currently on blood pressure or cholesterol medicine. It will not hurt you to take it now with your other pills and if you cannot get the prescription you are covered. Most vitamins and supplements have an expiration date two to two and one-half years from the date you buy them. I feel that they are probably good for at least a year after that, so you should be able to keep them for at least two years and possibly three.

I currently take cod-liver oil capsules, zinc tablets, 1,000 mg vitamin C and 400 mg vitamin E. All of these are to improve your immune system. I take double doses of all of these in the winter to deep from getting sick. I do not believe in flu shots and take these in place of getting shot full of rotten eggs. Depending on your metabolism, there are several supplements you can take. Acai, cayenne and super B complex are just three of these. I take these in various combinations at various times and find that they do help, especially in the winter when we are inside more. That is one of the reasons I take cod-liver oil, for the A and D vitamins they contain. In the winter when we are not out in the sun we can get deficient in vitamin D especially. As for as the other metabolism aiding supplements I believe that we should be taking the B complex at the least.

Iron is another supplement that will help promote a healthy heart. It is also something that many people are deficient in. They are very cheap and worth having on hand or even taking to insure that we are getting what we need. there are a couple of supplements that are specialized that you may want to think about also. One of them is milk thistle. This is used to improve liver function. Only you know if you should take something like that. Another special supplement and one that I take is bilberry/lutein. This is for the eyes. I have found that it helped improve my already excellent night vision and it also helps control any allergies that affect my eyes. Another one you may want to keep on hand is potassium. I personally prefer to eat bananas now while they are available but in a survival situation they may not be. It is best if you know your current potassium level as I know people that cannot have anything with potassium because they already have too much in their body.

these are the ones that I am familiar with and as a minimum I believe that everyone should take the multiple all year long and zinc, C, E and cod-liver oil during the winter. these are also the ones that you should keep on hand for emergencies. During a major catastrophe the food you are eating may not give you all you need in the way of vitamins and minerals. All of the other ones you can make up your own mind about.

Only you know what your health is like now and only you can decide on what to take. I am just letting you know a few things that I do and a few others that I know about. Next week I will wrap up the medicine entries with some more natural remedies for things like depression, bad memory etc. There is so much you can do without going to the doctor. I recommend that you go to the doctor and get one good physical and make your decisions from there. Until next week, as always, check out my political blog and my web store.