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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I would like to apologize for not getting this on sooner. I began writing this post exactly one week ago. Along about the middle of this post we lost our electric power due to a nearby tornado. The power was out for six and one-half hours and I had much to do. Things got hectic during the week and I never got back to it.

First of all I would like to apologize to anyone that comes here expecting to see weekly updates. I find that I do not have the time or the information to pass on. From now on, I will be posting a new entry on this blog every other Sunday. On the Sundays I do not post on this blog, I will be posting on my political blog. I guess I have taken on too many things. Besides writing for the local weekly paper, I also write for two magazines and have recently opened a store on Webstorencom. the address is I sell knives, coins, books, magazines, and various other items. Well enough advertising, time to get some info in this blog.

The scenario that I am going to cover this week is runaway, hyper inflation. The reason for covering that is that is what I feel is coming soon. If you take a look at the gasoline prices you know that everything else will soon follow. With diesel fuel currently over four dollars a gallon, you know the cost of trucking will have to go up. that means food prices will go up along with everything else that is hauled by truck, which is almost everything. Next week I will be covering more about inflation in my political blog, so this week I am going to try to cover what we all need to do.

First of all, if you have any gold or silver, hang on to it. Silver has passed the forty dollar an ounce mark and I feel it will go higher. If you do not have any silver and you have some extra cash I would still go out and buy some. If you already have some silver buying a little more would no hurt. Do not spend all of your cash on silver, there are a couple of other things that I think are currently more important.

Food is one big item that you should be storing up right now. Start with food and if nothing else you can eat well and use the rest of your money for other necessities. For an inflationary period canned food is a good bet. This is not a scenario where we feel we will have to evacuate and carry the food with us. This makes canned foods, frozen foods (if you have freezer space), dried foods such as beans, noodles, rice, instant potatoes and other dry items important.

One of the things I plan to do this year is much more fishing than I have done lately. I do not intend to fish for sport, I am going out and fish for pan fish, catfish and other fish to be used for food. Remember, fish are a healthy food and if you can catch them yourself, you can save some money. If you have looked at fish prices in the supermarket lately you can see how much money you can save.

Another thing that everyone that has space to do is to raise a garden. It does not matter how large or small your garden is, whatever you are able to grow will help keep the food costs down. If you have a big enough area and can grow a fairly large garden, you can can or freeze some of your produce. For those of you who just cannot raise a garden, start collecting wild foods. I do both and if you have the option to do so, you should. When thinking about wild food do not just think about wild plants. Think about plants that are left over from abandoned farms. As I wonder through the woods looking for edibles, whether hunting or just looking for plants, I try to find areas where there are abandoned farms. Several years ago I discovered a farm which has been taken over by the State Natural Resource Department. I discovered a plum tree and an apple tree. As this is public land, the fruit is on a first come first serve basis. For the past two years we have picked enough to make a year's supply of applesauce. things like this can stretch your food budget.

As the price of meat is about to skyrocket, hunting should be high on your list. We very seldom purchase beef as we try to substitute venison, which I shoot. I got skunked last season so we do not have our usual supply. We really notice the difference in the food budget. Rabbits, squirrels, ducks, geese, pheasant, grouse, etc. are all good meat suppliers. These are the small game that everyone should have a least a couple of in their area.

This brings me to one last item that is high on my survival list: ammo. That is correct, you need to have an excellent supply of ammo on hand right now. Prices are going no place but up as everything else does also. Get as much ammo on hand as you can afford. Get big supplies of ammo for each and every gun you own. This includes rifles, shotguns and handguns. If you own a couple of .22s buy as much as you can afford of ammo for them. I do not believe that a person can have too much .22 ammo.

Those are just a few things that should be done immediately. There are more things but a lot of them should already have been done or at least planned for. Remember, a good survivalist is ready for anything. Until next time, check out my political blog next week and back here in two weeks. Check out my web store.