More Nuclear Info.
With what just happened in Japan, it is even more critical that we start thinking about nuclear survival. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan gave us a small look at what nuclear fallout is about. This could happen in this country and we had better know what to do. Those of you who live close to a nuclear power plant and on a major fault line need to be the most prepared. This is especially true on the coasts where a tsunami is possible after the earthquake. However, anyone living within one hundred miles of a nuclear power plant should prepare for a possible meltdown.
I talked last week about having shelter and a two day supply of food and water. In past entries I have covered how to protect your electronic equipment if it was a war and the bomb was exploded in the atmosphere causing EMP. This time I am going to talk strictly about protecting yourself from fallout. This information will be valid whether it is a bomb exploded in the air, a dirty bomb detonated at ground level of a nuclear accident.
First you will need to think about long term shelter. Right now in Japan they are telling people within a fifty mile radius of the nuclear plant not to go outdoors. They are also considering expanding the area to one hundred miles radius. You must know where you are going to make your stand. As I stated last week, having a root cellar/bunker at your home would be your best possibility. In the first place you could store all of your garden produce and canned goods in the root cellar making it a great place to have to spend time, no shortage of food. You could also store much of your emergency supplies like radios, gas masks, flashlights and anything else you would want to have with you.
Whatever you do for a fallout shelter, having the mass between you and the fallout is the important thing. For the first few hours a person could survive in a large road culvert or a tunnel or even an underground parking garage. However, for long term survival, you need to refer to the above paragraph. You could also fortify an above ground building such as a garage or shed or even a room in your home. Underground is best but you can make many other things work.
One of the things that you need to store a lot of is water. You can live without food a lot longer than you can live without water. The best way would be several fifty-five gallon barrels with lids and lined with plastic bags or sheet plastic. You could also use metal garbage cans with plastic liners if you cannot get barrels. You are going want to add some chlorine bleach to your water to keep it pure. Several drops per gallon of water of unscented bleach will keep the water pure. You could also store several cases of bottled water for drinking. that way the other water could be used for cooking and bathing. There is no such thing as having too much water stored. Having a well close to your shelter with a manual pump on it would be a huge plus. However, you would still have to store enough to get you through until it was safe to go outside.
Sanitary and bathroom facilities in a shelter can be a great concern. For a couple of days a five gallon pail with a lid and a seat will suffice. However, for longer term use something else will have to be done. Here I suggest one of the porta-pots that campers use. You will still have the problem of emptying it when the holding tank gets full. Here is another place where a fifty-five gallon drum or a large garbage can could be used. this should be lined with plastic and have a very tight fitting lid to control the odor. Having a bag or two of barn lime on hand to sprinkle on the top of what is just dumped in will help a lot with odor also. You need to remember that you are going to have to be able to get the container out of the shelter when it is safe to do so. If you have a two wheeled hand truck outside of the shelter this could be used.
There are many plans to make to keep yourself and your family safe in a nuclear disaster, be it a bomb or simply a power plant problem. I will continue next week with things like cooking, weapons and other necessities. Until then, check out my other blog and check out my web store.
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