Things to Do
There are many things than need to be done in getting ready to survive whatever is coming. Not knowing what is coming is one of the problems. The thing each of us needs to do is to draw up a few scenarios in our minds and then decide which one or ones are the most likely in your mind to occur. As I sit here writing this tonite, with gas nearing four dollars a gallon and food costs rising rapidly, it looks to me like it is going to be a financial tsunami. There are more home foreclosures each day, the price of real estate is going down, which is rare and many other things are happening in the financial world. Jobs are going overseas and more and more people are unemployed. The government tells us that unemployment is going down but do not believe them. How do you explain the country losing thousands of jobs in a month, new people entering the job market and unemployment going down? I is simple; when your unemployment runs out you are no longer counted as unemployed whether you have a job or not. they base everything on unemployment claims and not on people that actually do not have jobs. Nor do the count the multitude of people that are underemployed. Eventually all of these financial woes will come to a head and the people will no longer put up with it. At that point there may be rioting, looting and other lawbreaking. This will cause the government to step in and probably declare martial law. I have spoken about martial law before and think it is the most likely survival scenario that we will face. If it is not the financial problems it will be an act of terrorism or something else, but the end result will be the same.
I have been advocating buying silver for a number of years. While it is more bulky than gold, I prefer it because it will be easier to trade with if need be. The dollar is in the toilet and something other that it needs to be in your possession. If you prefer gold and can afford it, by all means go for it. As I write this, silver is back below seventeen dollars and ounce and now is a great time to buy. Anytime you can get silver below eighteen dollars, buy all you can afford. The days of twenty dollar silver are numbered, so even if you never run into a survival situation you should never lose money on it. I have bought and sold silver for over twenty years now and have never lost money. I may not make as much as other investments on some occasions but I make more on others.
Food is a big item and the prices are going up fast. There are several reasons that this is the case. Number one reason is that the cost of transportation is skyrocketing due to fuel prices. As the cost of diesel fuel continues to rise so will transportation and thus your groceries. Now is the time to start raising your own food if you never have and to increase your home grown production if you currently raise some. It is also the time to go out and collect wild food. This includes both meat and fish and plants. This is something you need to learn if you have never done it. If you do not know which wild plants to gather, start to learn now. Buy a good book and go out in and area where you legally can pick wild plants and start. Gather some and take them home and eat them. Like any food you get from anywhere, there will be some you like and some you do not like. Sample them now so you do not get stuck with nothing but food you do not like but have to eat because you do not know of any other. Hunting, fishing and food gathering are all very pleasurable ways to spend time. the best part of it is that when you are done you have something to eat. Compare this to golf or any other sport where all you get is the exercise and it costs money to get that.
I will continue this discussion in my next entry which I promise will not be two months down the road. While it is no excuse, I got very busy and did not set aside time for my blogs. I will do my best not to let that happen again. I will do my best to try to do an entry at least once a week.
I have been advocating buying silver for a number of years. While it is more bulky than gold, I prefer it because it will be easier to trade with if need be. The dollar is in the toilet and something other that it needs to be in your possession. If you prefer gold and can afford it, by all means go for it. As I write this, silver is back below seventeen dollars and ounce and now is a great time to buy. Anytime you can get silver below eighteen dollars, buy all you can afford. The days of twenty dollar silver are numbered, so even if you never run into a survival situation you should never lose money on it. I have bought and sold silver for over twenty years now and have never lost money. I may not make as much as other investments on some occasions but I make more on others.
Food is a big item and the prices are going up fast. There are several reasons that this is the case. Number one reason is that the cost of transportation is skyrocketing due to fuel prices. As the cost of diesel fuel continues to rise so will transportation and thus your groceries. Now is the time to start raising your own food if you never have and to increase your home grown production if you currently raise some. It is also the time to go out and collect wild food. This includes both meat and fish and plants. This is something you need to learn if you have never done it. If you do not know which wild plants to gather, start to learn now. Buy a good book and go out in and area where you legally can pick wild plants and start. Gather some and take them home and eat them. Like any food you get from anywhere, there will be some you like and some you do not like. Sample them now so you do not get stuck with nothing but food you do not like but have to eat because you do not know of any other. Hunting, fishing and food gathering are all very pleasurable ways to spend time. the best part of it is that when you are done you have something to eat. Compare this to golf or any other sport where all you get is the exercise and it costs money to get that.
I will continue this discussion in my next entry which I promise will not be two months down the road. While it is no excuse, I got very busy and did not set aside time for my blogs. I will do my best not to let that happen again. I will do my best to try to do an entry at least once a week.