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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Monday, July 16, 2007


I am not talking mental depression here, I am talking about this country and probably the world going into a major financial depression. This is the scenario I feel is most likely to take place. This country cannot continue to print money to make the economy on an upward trend. What goes up must come down, that is a basic rule of physics and of the financial world. As I am writing this we are seeing the real estate market taking a beating. Banks gave out loans that never should have been approved. The price of housing just kept going up and up. Now that many of the adjustable rate mortgages are seeing increases in the interest rate, the balloon payments are being called in and the interest only loans are starting to need principal payments, the foreclosure market is booming. If people cannot afford to purchase homes, it will not only affect the real estate market but also lumber, appliances, carpet, paint and all of the other things that go into the making of a home. Others will do anything to save their home and will put all of their money toward the house. This will not leave any money for discretionary spending. Both of these options will cause a drop in consumer spending and eventually a depression. Remember, consumer spending drives our economy. Another thing to be factored in is the price of gasoline and this winter, heating fuel. The more I have to spend on gasoline and heating the less I will have to spend on other consumer goods.

When it all comes to an end the crash may be fast and the landing may be very hard. I do not expect people to stand in employment lines and soup lines like they did in the thirties. People today are too used to expecting the government to give them anything they want. If the government cannot do this, there will be rioting, looting and just general anarchy. Rather than doing for themselves, people will be wanting everyone else to do for them. This is why I stress having supplies on hand and having them well hidden yet easy for you and your family to get at.

There are many ways to hide just about anything. A number of years ago I wrote a book titled "Stash It". In this book I listed a number of ways you could hide anything from food to guns. For instance: a water heater can be gutted and any number of things can be put inside to shell. First take the tank and insulation out and then stand it next to your working water heater. Run pipes to the plumbing that your working water heater is hooked to and make it appear that this water heater is just a second water heater. You can now stand guns around the outside and the ammo in the middle or you can load it with canned and dried food. This is just one of many ways to hide thing in plain sight. Another way to hide small items such as jewelry or coins is the put them into an empty can, reseal the can and just set it in among the rest of your canned goods. All you need to do now is to remember which can the valuables are in. There are many other methods that may not fool the professional crook, but I do not believe that it will be not only the professionals but that most will be amateurs looking for whatever they can find. Having a second refrigerator or freezer in your basement is also an excellent way to hide valuables.

Burying things is a great way to hide things, but it is something you need to study very closely before doing so. You want things buried in out of the way places so they will not be found if someone is looking, yet close enough to be able to get to in a hurry. You also need to know that things will not rot, rust, mildew or otherwise go bad while buried. My suggestion for burying things is to use PVC pipe to bury things in. One can be a glued on cap with the other end a fitting and a screw in cap. You also need to remember where the buried items are. I could do a whole column on burying items and perhaps I will. We will continue this process in depth next week.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Preparing II

Last week we talked about preparing for martial law. Here is another possibility, civil unrest within this country. There is a definite possibility that something similar to a civil war could break out in this country. There are several possibilities as to the how and why of a situation like this taking place. One would be that either the Mexican invaders that are here would attempt to make good on their threat to take back the southwestern part of America. Another scenario is that we could be hit by Muslim terrorists again. I believe that next time will be much more serious. So, what can we do to prepare?

Many of the same things that pertain to martial law also pertain to civil unrest. In fact the civil unrest could lead to martial law and really confuse the issue. Again storing and hiding food, ammo, guns and other supplies is high on the priority list. You would not only have the government to worry about, you would also have looters and thugs. In a civil unrest situation you will need to make sure that your home is defensible if you are to stay there. If you are going to bug out to a safer ground you are going to need to be ready at a moments notice. For instance: I intend to stay put and consider my place defensible. However, should something change and I decide it is not, my pop-up camper sits loaded and ready to hook up and go. I rotate food and supplies in the camper with what I use here. This keeps everything fresh all of the time. The important thing to remember about bugging out is to have a definite plan and be ready at any time. Know where you are going to go and what route you are going to take to get there. Have one or even two backup routes just in case your main route is blocked. This is true of martial law as well as civil unrest.

Join a militia, or start one if there is not one in your area. It is time to bring back the constitutional state militias. Dr. Edwin Vieira has some excellent articles on this subject
archived on Especially now with most of the National Guard out of the country fighting an unconstitutional war, we need the real militia more than ever. Remember, a militia is not just about shooting and practicing for war. It is for communications, helping people in the area that are unable (not unwilling) to help themselves and other community services. A good militia is about protecting the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. It is about making sure that this country continues to live by the rule of law. It is about keeping our borders closed and terrorists out. It is about writing letters and emails and phoning your idiots in the senate and house and letting them know that you are watching their unconstitutional shenanigans. It is also about being armed and ready to protect your state and this country if necessary. There is much more I could write about a good militia, but I think you get the idea.

As I have been saying, I do not believe we have a lot of time. Right now our so-called president and a number of senators and representatives are doing their best to form a North American Union between Mexico the U.S. and Canada. This would allow terrorists to come and go at their own leisure. Being ready to be on your own is getting more and more important and the need is soon. A supply of silver and gold, especially silver, is important to have now. You may not be able to buy or sell without it because everything you need may be on the black market. So get your supplies, stash them where no one except you know where they are and hope and pray that I am wrong.

Next week; depression and a beginning of the art of stashing supplies.