Survival Vehicles
Let's look at some options. Of all the vehicles that I have tried out for the job, may favorite was a full size Ford van that I converted into a camping van. I converted it myself thus being able to make hiding places for various items I might not want found. Some of these were between the inner wall and the outer skin, kind of in the insulation. Others were under the floor and under the hood. Everything was self contained and I had an auxiliary battery in it to run all of the 12v equipment. I had just enough that I would be able to live in the van if necessary. I did take a two week camping trip in which I lived in the van in various national forests and sate parks. Prior to that I had a 1972 Mercury station wagon as my survival vehicle. The only problem I had with that was the fact that it was too low. I spent quite a bit of time with my hi-lift jack and chain and cable, pulling it out of the mud or snow. My current survival vehicle is a Ford Ranger extended cab pickup. This is the first four wheel drive vehicle I have tried for a survival vehicle. I am currently working on equipping it for survival and will probably take all summer to do it (at least).
Now, what do I suggest after trying these vehicles? Well, if I had the ideal it would either be a full size van or a full size pickup with four wheel drive. It would also be from the late 60s or early 70s. Why that era? That was before they started computerizing car engines. When it comes to survival vehicles, my idea is the simpler the better. Power brakes and steering are about the only two things that I would allow. I would even rather it did not have these. The less things that can go wrong and the more of them I can fix, the better it is. NO air conditioning, no power windows and none of the many bells and whistles that come on new vehicles. I already have a problem with my ranger. It is fuel injected and I have no understanding of fuel injection. I am told that all it needs is some sort of a plug in unit that controls the high idle. However, even if I know what that was and how to change it, the computer needs to be reset and I have no idea how that is done. Were it a carburetor having the same problem, I would know exactly what was wrong and how to fix it. I am currently looking for an older vehicle that is in good enough shape to refurbish into a survival vehicle. Until I find one, I will continue working on the ranger.
There are things that need to be done to whatever vehicle you choose for your survival vehicle. First, you need to install good heavy duty shocks so that the vehicle is riding as high as possible. You should also make sure that there is a skid plate protecting the oil pan and perhaps the gas tank. I poked a hole in a gas tank when a rear wheel dropped in a hole and there was a large pointed rock just in front of the wheel. The higher off the ground (within reason) you are and the more of your undercarriage you can protect the better. You may even want to reroute gas lines, brake lines, etc. If your vehicle happens to have fourteen inch wheels and you can go to sixteen wheels, you will gain an inch of clearance. You just need to make sure that there is room in the wheel wells for them. If you now have fifteen inch wheels, you will only gain a half inch of clearance.
There are many other things you can do and much equipment you should have in a survival vehicle. I will take that up next week.