Ammo 2
When a person amasses the amount of ammo I talked in the last post, it can get very expensive and much storage room is needed.The way I did it was to buy twice as much as I needed for practice each time I went out and save the rest. One thing you want to do is to rotate your ammo. Ammo will go bad after a length of time. Here is a for instance. You are going out to practice with your .22 rimfire. On this day you intend to shoot 50 rounds with your rifle and the same with your pistol. You would need two boxes of ammo, so buy four. Use two boxes and mark the other two with the date and store them. Next time you are going out to practice with the .22 buy two more boxes of ammo, but use the two you purchased last time. Mark the four new boxes with the date and continue this until you have you total supply on hand. Then continue purchasing ammo each time you practice, but use the oldest from storage, replacing it with what you bought. Storage becomes another problem. I like the old metal, surplus ammo cans. I have one for each of my types of ammo. They come in various sizes and are very useful. In good condition they are waterproof and can be buried. However, for burrying ammo, I prefer making containers out of pvc pipe. I take a short length of four or even six inch pvc, glue a cap on one end, fill it with the ammo along with a couple bags of desicant glue a fitting on the open that will take a screw in plug, screw the plug in tightly and it is ready to be buried. One thing to remember is that every year or two these containers should be dug up and the ammo in them changed for fresh ammo. You can also add new desicant at the time. Be sure you remember where you bury the ammo. You may want to make a map and note of where it is, write someones name on it and state to only open upon your death. Remember, you want it burried where you can get at it quickly, whether it be from personal need of for barter. Also, always use your oldest ammo for barter.
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