Real possibilities
As a survivalist, I get asked a lot; "What are the chances of a real life survival situation happening today?" My stock answer is; "It depends on what you consider a survival situation". All you need to do to find a survival situation is to look at hurricane Katrina. There were survivalists there and they made out fairly good. That is, the ones the government did not catch. If the government caught the smart survivalists, they took away their firearms and made them leave their homes. That is one of the most unconstitutional things that could be done. A person has the right to keep and bear arms and protect their property. What the government did was to open up the property of those survivalists to looters. It seems that in this country today, the looters and other scum have more rights than the average citizen. But that does not have as much to do with being a survivalist as it does to protecting our rights. I have another blog at . In that one I explain what I believe is happening to America. Every survivalist should probably read it, as the two areas are probably going to affect each other. I know politics is already affecting survivalism and militias, which are closely related. Back to possibilities. There are floods, tornados, fires, terrorism, blackouts, the possibility of war in this country, oil shortages causing the war, etc, etc. I think that you can probably see what I mean when I talk about survival situations happening all the time. It can even be something as simple as loss of a job or a divorce. In my next post I will talk about my own experience some years ago when I lost my job, (plant shut down and moved) and had that followed shortly by a divorce and then had a small business which I was running on the side go bust. It was a true survival situation for me. Watch for my next post on Monday.
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