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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What Now?

What Now? That is the question I keep getting. Where are we headed? What should I prepare for? All of these are very good questions. I do not know the exact answer. I myself am preparing for many different scenarios. I look around and see what is going on and I know that something is going to come to a head. It could be natural disaster, it could be political, it could be financial or it could be war and possibly a combination of two or more of these situations. What I do is look at what I personally is the most likely in the near future and prepare for that. However, I do not neglect other scenarios. I try to keep to a balanced survival plan.

First of all I think we all need to get right with God. I believe that he is currently warning us that something big is about to happen. If you look around and see all of the natural disasters, wars, financial dips, unemployment and other things that are currently going on in the world, you have to believe that there is a higher power behind it. As I stated, I believe that God is trying to tell us to either straighten up or we are going to be in big trouble. I think that He is giving us warnings so that those of us who believe can get ready for all that is coming.

When you look around this country, you see that we have become a Godless, humanistic, atheistic bunch of people living just above the sewer of the world. I am not talking about everyone, but the majority of Americans are lacking any type of morals. We have homosexual and lesbian marriage in more and more places. Bible reading and prayer has been taken out of our schools. Pastors are preaching dominion theology, and social justice and positive thinking. they no longer teach God's word from the Holy Bible, many of teach the Oprah Winfrey type religion that everyone has their own god inside of them. So-called Christian pastors are teaching that all religions are good and can get you to heaven. They are teaching that Hindu meditation and Muslim's Allah are but a part of a giant worldwide religion and that no one of these religions is wrong and that we should all just get along and share one another's beliefs. They apparently have forgotten John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way the the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me". (ESV). That means that all of those pastors that say that there are many ways to get to heaven are calling Jesus a liar. I do not think I want to go there.

that leaves me getting ready for a great awakening that I believe God is going to bring on this country. I am currently learning to grow more and more of my own food. I am buying heritage seeds so that I can save seeds from the plants I grow. That way if I cannot get seed due to a shortage of money or some other reason, I can still grow my garden. I am practicing living on a different level that we now consider normal. I am upgrading my weapons and practicing more with them. I am foraging more for food so that I can get my own meat and other wild food if need be. In other words, I am practicing my survival skills more and more. I am where I intend to stay during any survival situation. However, my pop-up camper is sitting ready and loaded just in case. The items in the camper can be used here at home if I do as intended and stay here. They can also be used to keep us going if i have to bug out.

There are many things that can be done to get ready. Only you know where you are in your preparedness and what you need to do. Can you live without electricity? Can you grow or forage your own food? Are you properly armed and do you have the skill with weapons to protect yourself and your family? Can you keep yourself and your family healthy by practicing herbal medicine? Can you make it without an income? These and much more are questions that all of us must answer on our own.

As I stated in the beginning, I believe that God is warning us that something big is going to happen and those of us that believe in Him and prepare, can weather the storm. Two weeks from now, when I make my next entry in this blog, I will get back to specific survival skills but this week I wanted to warn everyone that I believe something is going to happen and it is going to happen soon. If I was to make a guess I would say that it will begin with a financial meltdown and get serious from there. We have a Muslim, or at least a Muslim sympathizer in the White House. He is also a Marxist and a Fasciunist, which is something that those of you who read my other blog would know about. I believe he is out to ruin this country so that he can bring it to at least a European style socialist state. I also believe that he is in favor of international and sharia law. These are the things that I believe will bring this to a head and will cause a survival situation. Get ready, get right with God and lock and load. Until next time, check out the political blog.

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