Coming Soon
As this is a survival blog, I sometimes write about what I see upcoming and what I will be doing about it along with what I believe that everyone should be doing. Have I been wrong about what I think is upcoming? You bet I have and yet I have never lost money or gotten behind because of the preparations I made. What I try to do is to keep things on a reasonable level so that if what I believe will happen, actually happens, I will be prepared. If what I believe will happen does not happen, I will be no worse off than if I did not prepare. The secret is living a survival lifestyle in the first place. This may mean that you will have to change some hobbies for other ones. Say you love golf and have never fished. As a survivalist fishing is one way we prepare to obtain food. This means you may have to give up golf or at least cut back and take up fishing. What I see in the near future is a worldwide financial meltdown. I am not alone in this but most people think we that see it coming are nuts. A couple of big financial planners seem to think the same way I do and some of what I have gleaned was from their writings. Much of it was what I came up with just by watching how things are going. I will go through a few things that I see and then if there is enough space on tonight's blog, I will get into what I am about to do. If the blog gets too long my plans will have to wait until next week.
The first thing to look at is the national debt. It is very nearly fourteen trillion dollars and growing every day. Every day we borrow more and more money, most of it from the Chinese. The only reason the we have been able to get away with it thus far is that the dollar is the world trade currency and we have the printing press for that money. What do you suppose would happen if another currency became the world trade currency? We would then have to purchase that currency so we could trade with other countries. If you think that another currency taking over for the dollar is far fetched, it is not. The world bank has floated the idea of a currency that would be used ONLY for trade. Several European and Asian countries got together for a meeting without the U.S. to talk about how they could structure trade without using the dollar. China and Japan and China and Russia are close to starting to trade in each others currency. One of the thing that dollars being the official trade currency does is keep the price of gasoline lower than it would otherwise be. That is why, although we are paying about three dollars a gallon, that is the cheapest of any industrial country, with most of them ranging in the four to eight dollar range. Already Iran, Kuwait and Qatar have ceased to accept dollars for oil. If a few more countries do this you will see our gasoline prices spike to at least seven dollars a gallon.
We already cannot pay off our debt because we are running yearly deficits and borrowing more and more to just run the country. As we all know, "You cannot get out of debt by borrowing more money." This is one of the reasons the other countries in the world are looking for something other than the dollar to do business with. If that does happen, and I believe it will, the U.S. will have to really crank up the printing presses. When they do that inflation will skyrocket like no one alive has ever seen in this country. We have all heard about it happening in other countries, Yugoslavia, Brazil, Germany and several others, but it can never happen here. WRONG!!! It can and will happen and when it does the government will have to pull the plug on a lot of the "entitlements" that we now have. Let's face it we have thirteen percent of the population on food stamps. Large percentages on other government programs like medicaid and rent assistance along with a ton of other ways that people are living off other people's money. We are fast approaching the point where if everyone was taxed at one hundred percent of their income, we will not be able to even pay the interest on the debt. What happens then?
I am looking for the dollar to lose its standing in the world. It is already losing it in some countries. The largest bank in Mexico will no longer take deposits in dollars. Countries where tourists are used to spending dollars are no longer taking them either. Some countries are not even exchanging dollars for their own money. China is getting rid of dollars as fast as they can and China is the largest holders of dollars in the world. Here in the U.S. there are places that are now accepting the Mexican peso and the Euro. There also a number of states that are printing their own money. This is not illegal, but a lot of people do not know that. Our monetary laws allow the making of private money as long as we do not try to pass it off as official U.S. money. Also, you do not have to accept U.S. currency in payment for things that you are selling.
What do I think is going to happen? First the dollar loses its standing, next the feds crank up the presses and start printing money. Now things get out of hand because just the rise of gasoline will cause much inflation. Truckers will have to double and triple their rates for hauling food and farmers will either have to get a lot more for their crops or the will not be able to afford fuel and they will go out of business. This will mean that food will go sky high and there will also be shortages. That would mean the end of food stamps and all of the other entitlements and that would mean riots and anarchy. If that were to occur it would probably mean martial law. From there it is hard telling what might happen. It could mean all out war or most likely every person for themselves.
That is what I feel is going to happen. What am I going to do? I will let you know in my next posting. For those of you who also follow my fasciunism blog, this weeks will be a lot like this posting. You may want to check it though, I may have even more to say about what I feel is going to happen.
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