Grab your butt with both hands and hang on, this is going to be a wild ride. Pretendsident Hussein has just driven the first wedge between the people of this country and the going is going to get rough. This health care bill has divided the country and his next gambit will finish the job. Now that he has a health care bill passed he is going to work on an immigration bill. He needs all of the invaders that are currently here to become citizens before November to have people to vote for the democrats. If he gets his way look for a civil war to start. Now is the time to get ready. As usual, I hope I am wrong but even if I am there will be no harm done by getting ready.
Now is the time to make sure you will have enough food for an extended period of time. If things get bad there will probably not be any deliveries to supermarkets and they will soon run out of food. Stock up as much as possible and if possible make plans to grow as much of your own food as possible. I will be growing less items in my garden this year but will be growing more of what I do grow. Staples like beans and tomatoes and other things that will keep like carrots and turnips. I am also planning to do some seed saving this year so that I do not need to purchase seeds if things get really bad. If you want to do this you will need to purchase heirloom seeds and not hybrids. You would probably do well to either purchase a good book on seed saving or look up as much as possible on the Internet and print out the information you need. There could be power outages or other interruptions of the Internet. Actually the FCC is currently looking for a way to give the pretendsident total control of the Internet if something like that would happen.
Just as soon as your food plans are complete, make sure your home defense plans are also complete. You are going to have to be able to protect your family and your property. This will be especially if you decide to grow food and are in a spot where people can see what you are doing. Try to camouflage your garden if it is in a place where you think the wrong people may see it. If you are lucky like me, you live at the end of a dead end road and very few people even come this way. You also need to make sure that you have enough firearms and ammo to ward off any dirtbags that try to get into your home to rip you off. You may also be in an area where actual rioting and fighting are going on. In that case be sure you can protect yourself and your family.
Try to have backups for everything that you consider necessary. That includes water, cooking methods, heat if you are in an area where it is needed in the winter, electricity, natural gas, etc. etc. You know what you believe is necessary and you also know your family. You know how they will handle such a situation and what they will need to survive.
More on this subject next week. Until then check out:
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