It May Be Time
Things are not looking too good right now. It may be time to be ready to either hunker down and live of the land where you are or it may be time to get ready to move out. Take a look around you and you can probably see what I mean. The economy is in the toilet, the politicians are arguing about nothing, gasoline is still over $3.75 a gallon, the dollar is going up right now and gold and silver are going down. The stock market goes the opposite way it should. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac report that they lost millions of dollars and the stock market jumped a couple of hundred points. In normal times the stock market should have dropped. My thoughts are is that the government and big business are setting us up for a big drop.
It looks like there will be a war with Iran in the near future. One of the largest flotillas ever put together is either in or headed for the gulf to blockade Iran. This is not going to sit well with Russia or China, as both of them depend on Iran for trade. This whole idea could set off world war III. I am not the only one that is thinking that way, there are other writers on the web that agree with everything I say. If Israel is going to attack Iran they will want to do it now in case B. Hussein O. becomes president. He may not want to go to their assistance if needed. George W. Shrub would be only too glad to go to war for Israel as he feels that we should take down Iran anyway. Russia is already fighting in their former ally Georgia. Georgia has troops in Iraq and are now going to pull them out. This will leave us even shorter on manpower there. Afghanistan is not going well and we need more troops there. With all of this going on, we have a senator or two that have stated that Iran has committed an act of war and we should invade.
If all of this comes to pass, there is going to be warfare on US soil too. There will be terrorist attacks that will make 9/11 look like a holiday. When that happens, look for martial law to be declared. As anyone that has been following my blogs knows, I have been predicting this for some time. Now other writers are getting on the bandwagon. By declaring martial law many things could happen. Once martial law is declared the constitution is forgotten. While even now politicians do not pay much attention to the constitution they at least give it lip service. With martial law, even that will go by the wayside. This is exactly what the faciunists want, because they will be able to take over the country, (they think). All elections can be cancelled and Shrub could become dictator for life.
Like I stated, it may be time to hunker down or be ready to move. If you already live out in the boonies, you may want to get ready for whatever comes your way. Food, guns, ammo, water and anything else that you need to survive. You may need to protect yourself and your loved ones from all types of scum. If you live in a city, make yourself ready to move out at a moments notice. Even better if you can get out before it starts that would be better. If you have to stay, keep your things packed and ready to go. You may want to check back to my last several writings to see what to do to get ready. We may need a years worth of food on hand, it is hard to tell. It depends on how good a gardener you are and how good a hunter or fisherman. Now is the time to go back through everything I have written on this blog and see what you need to do. Once you have all your necessities in order, if you have any money left, buy silver. That is all I am going to say for this entry. I will be back here again as soon as possible depending on what happens. In the meantime, check out my other two blogs:
It looks like there will be a war with Iran in the near future. One of the largest flotillas ever put together is either in or headed for the gulf to blockade Iran. This is not going to sit well with Russia or China, as both of them depend on Iran for trade. This whole idea could set off world war III. I am not the only one that is thinking that way, there are other writers on the web that agree with everything I say. If Israel is going to attack Iran they will want to do it now in case B. Hussein O. becomes president. He may not want to go to their assistance if needed. George W. Shrub would be only too glad to go to war for Israel as he feels that we should take down Iran anyway. Russia is already fighting in their former ally Georgia. Georgia has troops in Iraq and are now going to pull them out. This will leave us even shorter on manpower there. Afghanistan is not going well and we need more troops there. With all of this going on, we have a senator or two that have stated that Iran has committed an act of war and we should invade.
If all of this comes to pass, there is going to be warfare on US soil too. There will be terrorist attacks that will make 9/11 look like a holiday. When that happens, look for martial law to be declared. As anyone that has been following my blogs knows, I have been predicting this for some time. Now other writers are getting on the bandwagon. By declaring martial law many things could happen. Once martial law is declared the constitution is forgotten. While even now politicians do not pay much attention to the constitution they at least give it lip service. With martial law, even that will go by the wayside. This is exactly what the faciunists want, because they will be able to take over the country, (they think). All elections can be cancelled and Shrub could become dictator for life.
Like I stated, it may be time to hunker down or be ready to move. If you already live out in the boonies, you may want to get ready for whatever comes your way. Food, guns, ammo, water and anything else that you need to survive. You may need to protect yourself and your loved ones from all types of scum. If you live in a city, make yourself ready to move out at a moments notice. Even better if you can get out before it starts that would be better. If you have to stay, keep your things packed and ready to go. You may want to check back to my last several writings to see what to do to get ready. We may need a years worth of food on hand, it is hard to tell. It depends on how good a gardener you are and how good a hunter or fisherman. Now is the time to go back through everything I have written on this blog and see what you need to do. Once you have all your necessities in order, if you have any money left, buy silver. That is all I am going to say for this entry. I will be back here again as soon as possible depending on what happens. In the meantime, check out my other two blogs:
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