Ready? II
As I stated in the last post, it is time to get ready for a number of possibilities. Last time I talked about hyper-inflation. this time I would like to create a different scenario. I am thinking about class warfare. Right now our pretendsident is creating class envy. He is also using race as a wedge. the Tea Party is being called racist and they are the farthest thing from it. All of this by B.O. and his lap-dog media is to further drive a wedge between different classes and races in this country. I hope it does not come to a head that causes a type of civil war, but I am leery of it anyway.
What I would like to talk about this week is practicing with your firearms. I believe that regular practice sessions with your firearms is very important. I feel that all weapons, but handguns especially, should be practiced with at least once per week. I happen to be one of the fortunate people that have a range on my own property. I have found that with a handgun if you do not keep in continuous practice you soon lose the ability to hit what you are shooting at. If you are practicing for self-defense, you will need to do most of your practicing at close range. I do a lot of mine at five yards. This will cover most indoor self-defense scenarios. For outdoor confrontations you may want to do some practice out to twenty-five yards. I began my practice at five yards. I do not move out to ten yards until I can hit the five yard targets wit great regularity. Remember, in a life and death struggle, close is not good enough.
that is one scenario. Another is the fact that some of bin Laden's followers may want to take revenge on this country because of our killing of him. Once again, it pays to be prepared by getting your marksmanship tuned up. If nothing happens (that is what we all hope for) you will have had a great time shooting and getting in some target practice. If you are a hunter, and we all should be if we are real survivalists, the extra practice with various weapons will help you keep your freezer full of meat.
As much as possible, whenever you shoot up a box of ammo replace it as soon as possible. What you may want to do is what I do. I shoot up two boxes of ammo and then replace it with three boxes. that way I am always adding to my ammo supply. Even then, I probably do not have nearly as big a supply as I should have.
I am going to cut this entry short as there is much I could say but am not ready to say it yet. Being a survivalist is a good lifestyle if it is done right. I have many other things besides just weapons and things like that. As I have stated at other times I believe a good survivalist should hunt, fish, gather wild plants and anything else that they can do to provide for themselves and their loved ones. Next time in this space I am going to talk about making a few of your own medicines. I currently am making some and will be doing more in the future. I will be back here in two weeks (I hope) but until then next week I will be doing my other blog, check that one out and check out my web store.
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