Staying Well
Earlier this week I covered the swine flu pandemic on my other blog; Since that time I have learned more about this disease and feel that I should cover it again in this blog. I am not going to go into as much detail as I did in the other blog, but feel people should know what is going on. For a little deeper look at it got to my other blog.
First of all; I have a funny feeling that this strain of flu is not something that occurred naturally. When you look at The DNA sequence of this strain of flu, it makes on wonder just how it could have occurred naturally. This strain of flu has elements of DNA from: avian flu, human flu Type A, human flu Type B, Asian swine flu and European swine flu. Now you tell me the probability of this happening, five different flu strains from four continents combining and spreading from human to human like wildfire. To me it looks like a case of a bio war project which either escaped or was intentionally released. Also, regular flu season is about over and this strain of swine flu is affecting young adults rather than the very young and the very old.
All of that being said, I would like to take a look at what can be done to protect ourselves. I am well past the age where I am told that I should take a flu shot every year. The only reason I see to take a flu shot is to help the drug companies make a bigger profit. Right now the government is paying drug companies to come up with a new serum and they are rolling out all of the flu cures that they can. I have never taken a flu shot and I do not intend to. The best thing that can happen from a flu shot is nothing and the worse thing is that it can give you the flu. In all of the years that I have been told that I should get a flu shot, I have never gotten one and I have not had the flu.
Here are some things that I do to stay well. I am not a doctor or other medical practitioner so I cannot tell you that you should do this. All I can do is to tell you what worked for me. First of all I drink an eight ounce glass of a honey, cider vinegar and water mixture. One tablespoon of vinegar, one tablespoon of honey and eight ounces of water. I put the vinegar and honey in a glass and add hot water. After the honey has dissolved I add cold water and drink the tepid mixture. I take a complete natural multi vitamin with the minerals included. Besides this I take natural vitamin C. All the vitamins and supplements I take are natural so I will not bother saying it each time. From Oct. 1st to Apr. 1st I take 2,000 mg per day. The rest of the year I take 1,000 mg per day. I take 800 IU of vitamin E from Oct. to Apr. and 400 IU the rest of the year. I take 50 Mg of zinc daily, 5,000 MG of garlic daily and enough cod liver oil capsules to get about two hundred percent of my A and D. From Oct. to Apr. I also take echinacea, altering the amount by how I feel. All of these are helps to the immune system and i have found them to be effective in my life. With this new strain of flu, there are two other supplements that I do not presently take but am thinking of starting. One is aloe vera and the other is cayenne pepper. Both of these also help the immune system.
Doing what I do I keep the government out of a little bit of my life and I stay well. I also do not have any of the stuff that is in the serum in my blood stream. I do not want to get in the habit of depending on a government to take care of my health. What happens in a survival situation when there are no serums available? The way I do it I am protected and can keep a large enough supply on hand to go through a fairly lengthy survival situation. Most natural vitamins and supplements can be kept for at least two years.
Another disease that affects many survivalists is Lyme disease. This is brought on by deer tics. I just received some information from a survivalist who has suffered from Lyme disease on what to do if you cannot see a doctor or if you are in a survival situation. Keep some Doxycycline on hand and if you have to take a deer tick off of yourself take two pills the first day. Then cut back to one a day until you feel that the danger is over. At least Lyme disease is not a government caused illness.
There you have what I do about a couple of ailments in a survival situation. I will be writing more about health issues in the future. For now that is all I have.
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