Get Ready NOW
The time is here to be ready for whatever the people pulling the strings on our government are going to attempt. You have all probably heard that our Director of Homeland Security has put out a paper that has probably two-thirds to three-fourths of the population of America listed as terrorists. I know that it is a watch list and says that these people are possible terrorists but knowing Washington D(istrict) of C(rime) they have already made their decision: we are terrorists.
Do you believe in the 2nd amendment? Are you pro-life and against abortion? Do you want illegal immigration (invasion) stopped? Are you a veteran returning from war? Do you believe the IRS should be abolished? Do you believe in state's rights? Do you think taxes are too high? Do you distrust the federal government? Do you believe in the Constitution of the United States of America? Any one of these make you suspect of being a terrorist. If you are like me and can truthfully answer yes to all of those questions, we must all really be terrorists. Even though we know that it is a lot of bull, we have to start getting ready for the government's next step. I waited over a week to write this as I had hopes that our pretendsident would make her apologize and withdraw the paper. He has not so I am of the opinion that he is in complete agreement with her. Remember, our pretendsident is the one that called most of us "bitter clingers" when he was campaigning. So what to do?
First of all make sure you are ready for anything. That could be anything from bugging out to holing up in you house or retreat to having to protect yourself from the scum of the earth or our government gone mad. Have your pack ready to bug out. Have a couple of weeks of food, some extra clothing, a first-aid kit, lots of ammo, some silver for bartering, a full line of camping equipment and possibly your handgun in the pack at all times. All of these things should be ready, even if you have no intention of leaving your abode. You never know when things are going to change and you just may need what is packed because it is easier and safer to move on. You should also make plans as to where you would go in the event of a catastrophe that causes you to bug out. Putting your pack on your back and leaving will not do you any good if you do not have any idea of where to go. Check out all National Forests, State Forests, National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges and even County Forests in your area. Many of these areas do not allow camping, but in an emergency I would use any of them. National Forests are about the best. Go deep into the forest and leave as little sign as possible. Now is the time to look for that really good campsite that you could ride out the storm in. Depending on how many there are in your group will determine how many and what type of firearms are needed.
The next thing to do is to make your present abode or your retreat as safe, as well stocked and as defensible as possible. A two year supply of food is not too much to have on hand. A complete medical kit is needed as is a complete armory of weapons and ammo. Have a supply of both ammo and silver or gold for barter. Do not forget to stock things like toilet paper and other necessities. Make sure you have a safe water supply. If you have a well on your property, make sure you have a hand pump in case the enemy is able to take out the power grid. We know that both Russia and China have hacked into our power grid and know how to shut it down.
Make sure you can defend your home or retreat. I will not go into it this week but sometime in the next couple of weeks I will make some suggestions on some defensive tactics. Another thing that each of us need to consider is moving from where we are to some place more receptive to our thinking. Idaho and Montana are two states that come to mind. I have never suggested moving unless you live in a large city and I have never given much thought to my moving. However, with the way things are going, I have been giving it some serious thought. More on the subject next week.
Until next week check out my other blog at:
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