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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Now What?

I think that now is the time to start thinking about what your will do when the SHTF.  While there is much more I could say in the "Stash It" series, I think it is time for other thoughts. First of all, I feel that we are headed for the greatest depression that the world has ever known. I also believe that it is going allow our government to attempt to take over the country as a dictatorship. We will not be asked what we should do, we will be told. At the end of this post I will leave the link to my "Fasciunism" blog, which is my political blog. You may want to go to that blog to get a more in depth of what I see on the horizon. I will cover it somewhat here but more as what to do when (not if) it happens.. 

Hopefully anyone who regularly reads this column will be ready for whatever comes. Here is what I see. BO is being crowned King of these United States. Everyone is bowing and scraping to him. No one dares say a bad word about him or they will be termed a racist. He talked about "Change" all through his campaign. Look at the cabinet and advisers he has picked. Does that look like change? He has appointed every Clinton retread that is available. Where is the change in that? I know who is pulling his strings and what is going to be attempted. George Soros is the money man behind BO. Soros is a one world government person and will do whatever he can and spend as much of his billions as he needs to to accomplish the task of turning this country into a third world dictatorship. 

First, do not take any of the jobs that BO is making. These are make-work jobs to get you indebted to the government. Remember the government's Golden Rule: "He who has the gold makes the rules". This is just another way of redistributing the wealth. Remember seeing the 
TV footage from China of the thousands of people diligently sweeping streets? Well that is the kind of thing that is going to happen here. BO is going to be like FDR on steroids. He is going to implement a national health care system on the order of Canada's. Canada has some of the best health care in the world; right across their southern border. That is a fact. I have spoken to Canadians who come to the United States every year to get the care they are denied in Canada under their national health care system. Enough already about what is going to happen, we need to look in this blog at what to do. As I stated, you can go to my other blog to get more political information.

First of all: Do you have enough food to last for at least a year if martial law is declared and the shelves in the grocery store are suddenly empty? Do you have enough ammo to take care of any needs when BO and his new gun-hating attorney general make the ammunition so expensive that only drug dealers will be able to afford it? Do you have a supply of silver or gold and other barter goods? Do you have as good a supply of your medical needs as you can get? Are you prepared to defend yourself from roaming gangs, be they government or other? Are you prepared to leave your home and go someplace safe if need be? These and many others are questions you need to answer. They could be the difference between you becoming a slave and living free and possibly even between life and death. That is what I am going to talk about for the next couple of weeks.

Let us take them in order, food first. I feel that every true survivalist should have at least a one year supply of food on hand at all times. A two year supply is even better and that is what I strive for. Now if you have that much food on hand and Martial Law is put into effect you will very probably be accused of hoarding food and that will be made illegal. That is one of the reasons I have been doing all of the entries on "Stash It": you will need to hide your food supply. You will want to hide it where you are able to get at it any time you want it, but others not privy to your hiding places will not think of looking. A couple of places would be the second water heater I talk about and another place would be in a refrigerator or freezer laying on its back, buried in the ground. You are going want to have some freeze dried meals and also you can do as I do and dehydrate fruits and vegetables yourself. Then you will need to package them in vacuum sealed containers to store for a length of time. You may also want to plan for not having electricity. BO is bound and determined to shut down the coal industry and if that happens there is no way that enough electricity can be generated to satisfy the country. In that case any frozen food you have will need to be canned or dried. Be prepared to do those things very quickly before the food spoils. If you have an electric stove, have a backup for that too. I am not going to get any deeper into the food subject as I have covered it in past posts. One thing I would like to add before I close this week's entry is to be ready to grow at least some of your own food. Even if you live in an apartment in a city, there are things that you can grow indoors. I may do some entries in the future on that subject. For now: PREPARE and SURVIVE.

Political blog link:


Blogger The Cold Warrior said...

Nice to know when it hits the fan, there are others up here who know how to do what it takes to survive and take care of their families without having to bow down to Obama. Keep on fighting Brother.
I'm just down the road in Wilton, I'll probably be back up surveying for the Neceedah wildlife Refuge again this summer, like I did last summer. If so, I'll get a hold of you and have lunch or I'll take the afternoon off and let you take me to catch some wallys.

10:57 AM  

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