Ready, Set, "Survive"
The time is close at hand. We are just about to drop into the deepest depression that this country or the world has ever seen. I say that, hoping that I am wrong but fearing that I am right. If you watch any of the MSM (mostly stupid media) or as some call it the main stream media, you will see tent cities composed of homeless, jobless people in various cities across the country. Unemployment is reported by the MSM is at about nine percent. In reality it is at about double that or eighteen percent. More people are losing their jobs and their homes every day. The rate of foreclosures has not let up. Over one-third of the houses that have been foreclosed on are not salable. They have been trashed by the owners before they left or by the squatters that come in illegally and live in them for free. These houses are in such bad shape that the are not eligible for a mortgage. This means that they will have to be razed and the banks will have to take the loss. Why do you think that the banks are still not making loans? Although you would never know it by the governments figures, inflation is rampant. It is now running at about three times what the government figures say it is. Social security has been frozen for the next three years. How are seniors supposed to keep up with inflation if they are limited to the same income for the next three years. I feel that within the next three years prices of food, gasoline and heating fuel along with electricity rates will at least double.
I think what I just said is the good news. The bad news is that many people are not going to take it laying down. People today are conditioned to have their wants met instantly. They are not going to like going without. Many of them, especially those in larger cities, are going to get what they want by any method they can. This means at the point of a gun, burglary, murder or any other method of obtaining everything they "think" they are "entitled" to. This is going to cause those who have something to defend themselves and that my friends is when the trouble starts.
Right now is the time to stock up on ammo if you have not already done so. If you have not purchased ammo lately, you will be surprised at how bare the ammo shelves are. A lot of people have already began to stock up. It started right after the election when they felt that the office of the president and the entire democrat controlled congress would start to put more restrictions on ammo and higher taxes. They also felt that we would probably lose some of our second amendment rights. I presume there are more and more guns along with the ammo buried somewhere in this country. I do not tell people what to do with their guns and ammo but secreting them is not a bad idea. When the food riots start, when the burglaries start, when the armed robbery of many more people starts, that is when the U.S. military will be illegally called in to control it. The only way it can be legally done is to declare martial law and that is not out of the question.
As a survivalist, are you ready to protect what is yours? Are you ready to face a person or a group of people who are armed and mean to have what they want from you? Are you ready to shoot back if they are shooting at you? That is a terrible thing to think about, but it may well be reality. Do you have the skill with firearms or other weapons to protect yourself and your family? Are you in good enough physical shape to do all that will need to be done? And do not think that just because you live out in the country that you can raise your own food and be safe. With the ease of movement roaming gangs will be all over and when they realize that country people raise their own food, they will soon find that too.
If all of this sounds scary to you, I am glad. While I hope that I am wrong, I feel that I am not. The government will try to hold things like this from happening but I do not know how long they can keep borrowing money and throwing trillions of dollars at a failed economy. If they had let it go in the early nineties, we would have had a major recession and would be doing well right now. If they had let it go in the late nineties or right after the turn of the century, we would have had a major recession or maybe even a minor depression. By propping up the economy each time, they just made the fall that much farther and that much harder.
My best survival advice at this time is to make sure you have enough guns and ammo. You may want to get some extra ammo just in case you need it for barter. You also need to have a store of silver on hand. This may be the only money (along with gold) that is any good. Make sure you have a two year supply of food on hand or the ability to grow what you need. Seeds will last a couple of years (five if you vacuum seal them) so stock up on seeds also. If you depend on city water have water stored because you do not know what will happen to the water supply. Have some way to do without electricity if you have to. If our liberal politicians get their way the price of electricity will at least quadruple in the next several years. In other words what I am saying is be prepared to live on your own. Prepare to be totally self-sufficient.
For those of you who have valuables that you would like to protect, whether it be your silver, your guns, your ammo or your food, I have written a book which tells you how to do that without investing in a lot of safes and other expensive storage. The title of the book is "Stash It", subtitle "The art of hiding your valuables". The book is eight and one-half by eleven, has 38 pages and is plastic comb bound. While it only has 38 pages, every page is packed with information on secreting things. The price is $8.50 and for readers of this blog I will ship for free. Leave a message in the comments section with your email and I will get back with you.
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