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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A Survival Attitude

This is probably the most important thing a survivalist can have, a proper survival attitude. When I ask people what is the most important thing to their survival I gat many answers. I get answers like; food, water, firearms, knife, etc. The only physical thing you need is air to breathe. After that everything depends on attitude. You can have the best equipment in the world and not be able to survive. How many times do we hear and read of people being stranded, with virtually nothing and surviving? On the other hand some who are stranded in better condition with more equipment give up and die. Why? Attitude. Now you may ask, "What is the proper attitude?" First of all you need a deep desire, almost a NEED to survive. You have to want to live to see what the other side of the disaster brings. You are probably one who would want to try to help put the pieces back together, if the disaster is large enough that type of action. Surprisingly, there are a lot of people who do not feel that way. While publishing my newsletter I dealt with several other businesses. One day my accountant asked me why I was a survivalist. I gave him the reasons that I just stated and he looked at me like I was nuts. He then asked me; "You mean if there was a nuclear war and most of the country was blown away, you would still want to be here?" When I said that I would, he seemed truly shocked. I asked him what he would do, should such an event take place and he find himself alive afterward, he said he would wait and see what the government told him to do. When I told him that the government as we know it probably would not exist, he really did not know what to say. Finally he said that in that case he hoped to run into someone like me to "take care" of him. When I told hem that "people like me" would probably not take care of him, that we were willing to help those who were willing to help themselves, his attitude toward me changed. He probably felt that I was heartless and cruel. I really do not care, that is the attitude a good survivalist needs to take. I will help anyone who is trying to help themself, but refuse to "take care" of anyone unless they are physically unable to do for themselves. By the way, my accountant soon was not my accountant; no big loss. More on this subject next post.


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