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Location: Necedah, Wisconsin

I am retired from the work world and do freelance writing. I have served in the armed forces and worked in various industries. I have worked for both political parties and found them both to be lacking. After watching politics for a long time I came to all new conclusions.This is why I got into survivalism and why I am warning people of the politics of this country. I also am tired of people crying the sky is falling. They are actually saying mankind is causing global warming. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to try to disprove the garbage they are putting out.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Is It Time?

Sorry about the month between postings. I have been out of town and have been very busy on a couple of other projects. Now that they are off the ground maybe I can get back to work helping everyone to prepare. You will also notice that I am not following up on my previous posting. I have an idea that we may be nearer than any of us had imagined to the time to put our knowledge to use. This week's entry will be a short entry on what I see happening and what to do about it. Then next week, back to where we left off.

I see either a civil war or martial law coming to our country in the very near future. The flash point is the immigration issue. If the immigration bill passes, giving twenty million invaders amnesty, I am not sure that American citizens will be able to be controlled. If no immigration bill is passed, there will be twenty million invaders who will be up in arms. They have been doing much rioting to get the bill passed and for their so-called "rights". I cannot see them taking it peacefully if they are denied everything. Due to the fact that most of the National Guard is in Iraq or Afghanistan, I do not believe that even martial law will be able to contain them. As for the other way around, I do not believe that Americans will start shooting the way the Mexicans probably will. However, there are more and more people coming to realize that it is not right to give millions of invaders every thing they want when they have broken the law to try to get it. I do not know what they will do, but it could be anything from simple marching and civil disobedience to actual fighting with the invaders. This is where the militia is needed. If every state had a militia that the constitution called for, we could quell the riots either way.

Part of our survival preparation should be the joining of a good militia. I am not talking about the good ol' boys that go out and shoot up a lot of ammo, but an organization that can help in emergencies. Oh, guns, ammo and the practice with them is a necessary part of a militia but not the only part. Learn about first aid, crowd control, what to do in the event of a disaster, be it a pipe bomb or a tornado. As the National Guard is being used as part of the standing army, the militias need to be formed to do what needs to be done in an emergency. So join or start a good, honest, constitutional militia. Be open about it and let people know what you are doing.

Now is the time to make many of the other preparations that we have discussed in the past. Make sure you have plenty of seeds for your next year's garden. Make sure you have your guns in good shape and plenty of ammo. This is as much for hunting for food as it is for defending yourself and your family. Get plenty of practice with you weapons. Make your plans now as to how and when to leave your area if that is in your plans. Make sure that your weapons and ammo are secure, maybe even bury some of them. Now is not the time to have weapons stolen by someone who is out to get you. If martial law is declared having some of them buried may save them for you. Have several different methods of communications. Cell phone, land line, CB radio, hand held FM radio and if possible short wave. I do not communicate on short wave but I do have a receiver. With the controlled media being what it is, short wave and the Internet may be our only real way of finding out what is going on. Also, make sure you have a supply of gold or silver, preferably silver. You may need it to purchase items. If you do not have any gold or silver, keep something on hand to barter with.

Make sure your vehicle is in good shape and that the tires are good. Even if you do not intend to bug out (and I do not) it may become necessary. Having a backpack full of food and other essentials that is kept in the vehicle at all times is also a good idea. Having food stashed where it cannot be found and stolen or confiscated is another priority.

As you can see, what I am suggesting now is beginning to do what I have always talked about on this blog. I feel that the time to make ready is "NOW". No one can be sure of just when it will happen, but my feeling is this fall or next spring, but definitely before the election of 2008. I hope and pray that I am wrong, but I will not have lost anything by being ready even if it does not come about. Survive.


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